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Recipes with Egg whites

Cakes in form Strips of lime Vanilla sugar Grated lime ...

Heat the oven to 200 degrees. Crush the biscuits and mix them with melted fat and quench to a crumbled dough. Pour it out into a pie and let it stiffen cool, approx. 10 min. Bake it in the oven for approx. 10 min. And take it out. Screw down to 175 degre

Cakes in form Salt Sugar Dried apricots ...

The apricots must be soaked overnight. Crumbles flour and butter. Add salt and sugar and stir in the water until it becomes a piedj. Pour the dough into a pie, 26cm, and set it cold for ½ hour. Bake in the middle of the oven for 10 minutes. At 200 °. Cl

Desserts (cold) Strawberry dipped half in melted chocolate Cooked rhubarb puree Sugar ...

Cream and eggs are taken out of the refrigerator in advance, so it is not too cold. Egg yolks and sugar are whipped airy. The rhubarb puree is turned into the egg yolks. The egg whites are whipped stiff. The whip flow is whipped stiff. The house block

Cakes in form Eggs Sugar Vanilla pod ...

All the ingredients of the darkness are combined into a uniform dough. The grease should not be softened. Roll out the dough to match a spring shape (24 cm in diameter). Press the dough 3 cm up the edge of the mold. Behind the cake bottom at 200 degrees for ap

Desserts (cold) Rhubarb Water Egg whites ...

The rhubarbs are cut into smaller pieces and boiled in water added to sugar. Pure the rhubarb mixture or place it in the blender. Knead the soaked leaves blend out of water and place them directly in the koghede rhubarb purée while stirring - the house blossom

Desserts (cold) Little strawberries for garnish Sugar Lemon juice ...

Cut the rhubarb into pieces of 2 cm and cook them with the sugar at low heat for approx. 10 min. Once they have become a compote, take the saucepan off the heat. The house blossom has meanwhile been soaked in cold water, clenched free of moisture and now disso

Desserts (warm) Ginger Egg whites Sugar ...

Rinse the rhubarb, remove any coarse strings and cut the rhubarb in 2 cm long pieces. Let them grind in sugar and ginger over very low heat for 5 minutes. Set the oven to 250 gr. Distribute the rhubarb in ovenproof molds. Whip egg whites completely stiff. Turn

Mains Fresh dill Pepper Lemon ...

Whip whites until they can be turned without falling out of the bowl. Pour the salt in and turn around with a scraper. Spice the salmon with pepper on both sides. Grease half of the whites on the skins side and put the salmon with this side down in an ovenproo