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Recipes with Desiccated coconut

Cookies Baking powder Cardamom Finhakket dark chocolate ...

Include wheat flour, coconut flour, sugar, deer tartrate salt, cinnamon and cardamom in a bowl. Crumble the butter in the dough, knead well through. Divide the dough into 3, roll them into long bars and place them on a baking sheet. Push the rods flat and be

Desserts (cold) Coconut essence Desiccated coconut Whipped cream ...

Egg yolks are whipped with sugar. Coconut milk and whip cream are boiled and added to the egg mass in a thin jet under thorough whipping; The mass is returned to the pan under low heat (or best under water bath) and heated / whipped until it thickens and the f

Desserts (patisserie) Desiccated coconut Cream Syrup ...

Start with the cake dough: Stir soft butter with sugar Add eggs; One at a time Mix baking soda with flour and stir it in the butter-sugar-egg mixture Spread the dough into a frying pan on baking paper and sprinkle the peunuts in a smooth layer-press peanut

Cakes in form Desiccated coconut Cacao Margarine ...

Eggs and sugar are whipped The dry parts are mixed and mixed with the egg mass. Finally, melted margarine is mixed in. Bring in a frying pan and bake with 190 g of hot air. IMPORTANT 20-25 min The glaze is lubricated on the cooled cake

Various Hazelnuts Desiccated coconut Almonds, usmuttede ...

Chop nuts and dried fruit. Melt the honey on a pan. Add the oatmeal first and stir them in the honey until it hangs together. Add the rest of the ingredients and stir well. Pour the mass onto one or more pieces of baking paper, depending on how thick

Cakes Game boiling water Desiccated coconut NESCAFÉ ...

Whip sugar and eggs to an airy mass. Whip the vanilla and cocoa with the melted butter whipped in a thin beam. Mix flour and baking soda and whip it in the mass alternately with the milk. Wipe the dough into a wide pan (about 28 x 38) coated with baking paper

Cakes Desiccated coconut Oatmeal Dates without stone ...

Take dates, figs and 2 dl water in a food processor. Blend until the mass is a bit even. Add oatmeal, cocoa (start with 4 tablespoons) and nuts and mix again, the mass of stick to mix it add a little more water. Now taste with coconut and possibly extra coco

Candy Liquid honey Juice of 1 lemon Banana ...

Come freaks without stalk and banana without peeling in a food processor, and blend with lemon juice and honey. Come about 75 g of coconut flour and mix again to a solid mass (consistency adjusted with coconut flour). The mass is trickled into the rest of the