Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Celery

Mains Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Sauté the meat. Add the spices, curry powder, paprika and pepper and saute it with the onion and got it in. chop together with tomatoes. Add the bouillon cube and cook approximately 10 min. Smooth with the flour and cook an additional approx. 5 min. cut the po

Soups Pepper Salt Celery ...

Get EVS. the butcher to remove the rind. The meat is cut into cubes and Brown in its own fat in a large pot, after which it is taken up and the sugar in the fat. In it Brown the sliced cabbage and carrots and celery, cut into cubes. The meat is added again in

Mains Small onions Oil Parsley ...

Chop the parsley and stir it together with butter to parsley butter. De-fat. Who cut a deep groove in the meat lengthwise, which folded a little out and plumped. Mushrooms roasted on a dry pan to væden is almost evaporated. Three walnuts mixed in and the press

Mains Cucumber Fresh-cut herbs Goose Fat ...

With a sharp knife, cut the head of the carp and the rest of the carp, cut into slices of about 4 cm thickness. These chops cured on each side and draws 1 to 2 hours. Goose Fat is poured on the forehead, and when it is burning hot, be koteletterne at. After ap

Mains Capers Lemon slice or parsley Curry ...

Cut the celery into 1 cm thick slices. Boil them in salted water until tender. Put them on a platter. Tube mayonnaisen, arrow cod. All of this can they do the day before. Serve now dial on a small plate of celery, put the cod on top, mayonnaisen to taste wi

Soups Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Cut the beef into cubes and chop bulbs coarsely. Steam the onions transparent in butter and oil, sprinkle the paprika, salt and pepper over and kødterningerne came in to stir the meat. has lost the red color, pour one litre of soup and cook for very low hea

Soups Lemon juice White wine vinegar Rainbow bamboo shoots ...

The chicken in a large pot. Water, carrot, celery, shallots, garlic, whole chilies and salt added. The chicken is cooked, covered, for about 45 min. Chicken taken up and made page. The soup is cooked inside without a lid for about 1/2 hour. The soup is straine

Mains Fresh basil A little grated Parmesan cheese A little dried porcinisvampe (karl johan) ...

The dried porcinier broken in small pieces and put to soak in the red wine. Chicken Sauté in olive oil in a thick-bottomed saucepan. The chicken is taken up, and the onion, celery, bell pepper and garlic is chopped finely and Brown in frying fat. Pour a gla