Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Celery

Soups Wheat flour Potatoes Meat and dumplings ...

Boil oksebov and kogeben with lids in 4-4.5 litres of water (preferably the day before). Boil for 3 1/2 hour with 3 teaspoons salt. Beef shoulder is taken up and stored. Cook the legs are thrown out! When the soup has cooled a bit of skimmed fat from, or be

Mains Maizenamel Pepper Salt ...

Unghanen FRY in oven at 180 degrees C for about 1 hour and draws additional 30 minutes. Sauce: boil the Fund well through and season with madeira. Smoothed over with maizenamel udrørt in a little cold water. Seasoned with salt and pepper. Vegetables: veg

Mains Cognac Wheat flour Garlic ...

Cut the entrecôten in as many pieces as needed. Season the slices and grill them at will on a hot pan with butter. Remove entrecôterne and put them on a platter. In the butter that is left in the Pan, add the chopped shallots, whole peppercorns, parsley, th

Mains EVS. white wine vinegar, currants and blanched sugar White pepper Nutmeg ...

Boil water, salt and sugar up to salt and brown sugar is melted. Keel fitted sheet completely. Put beef breast in the brine so that it is covered completely. Put a plate on top, if desired. Let the meat pull 5 days. Peel the vegetables. Crack leeks and onio

Soups Coarse mustard Pepper Rye bread ...

Rib green cabbage, rinse it well, getting it in plenty of boiling salted water, and cook about 10 minutes. Pour the cabbage in a sieve to drain. Then chop the cabbage finely in a meat mincer or by hand. Do the herbs in a position and cut them into smaller piec

Sides Garlic salt Grated onion Tomatoes ...

The tomatoes are skinned and are blended. Add the spices, onions and water, so there is a total of one liter of tomato juice. Dissolve the gelatine in a little of the tomato juice, mix it with the rest of the tomato juice and pour into a rim shape that is c

Lunch Lettuce leaves Salt Mustard ...

Water and fat boiled together. The flour is sprinkled in, and the mixture is taken by. Salt and 2 eggs whipped in. It 3. eggs whipped together in a bowl and beat in a little at a time, until you can "write with dough". The dough placed on a baking sheet approx

Mains Freshly ground pepper Italian bread Salt ...

Cut the veal and bacon in pencil-thin all crowded by approx. 3 cm length. Getting oil in a roomy saucepan, let the live hot and grate the meat and bacon Golden. 'S pale celery and leek, cut them into pieces, about 5 cm long and cut them in small fine strips