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Recipes with Apples

Cold cuts Bean sprouts Rod fresh horseradish Organic jogging bread á 20 lb ...

Cooked smoked Turkey Breast thawed at refrigerator temperature and cut into thin slices. Applesauce: Apples peeled, cored removed. Steamed over low heat with the sugar, and then the apples moses rough. Æblemosen tilsmages with finely grated horseradish. Organi

Mains Lemon juice Oil for cooking Oil for frying ...

Rådyrryg: cut the fillet from the leg and place it aside. Sauce: cut the anchovies into pieces and brown them in a large frying pan with onion and carrot. Add the red wine and a sprig of thyme, reduce to 1/3. Pour the veal and Cook, covered, on Fund for abo

Mains Fat for deep frying White pepper Potato bird nests with waldorff ...

Animal Club freed from possibly. membranes, rinsed and dried, after which the Brown on the Pan or roasting pan in oven for margarine, seasoned with salt, pepper and crushed juniper berries, where can it be wrapped in slices of fresh lard and place on roasting

Cakes in form Baking soda Icing sugar Vanilla ...

Margarine, sugar, vanilla and egg is stirred together. The flour sifted with baking powder and add alternately with milk. Make the dough in a greased springform. Peeled, sliced, quartered apples to be laid over the dough. Bake at 180 ° for about 30 minutes. Re

Mains Corn flour Pepper Salt ...

The ducks are cleaned, rinsed, dried and seasoned. Brown in butter, put in a warm oven at 200 ° for 25 minutes. Chest cut from just before serving. Venison broth, orange juice and must be cooked together. Ginger and soy is added. Boil down with half of the but

Mains Fatty bacon strips Salt (the amount depends on the bacon) Prunes ...

The ducks are filled with apples and prunes, respectively. Then shut down the belly by sew 3 to 4 stitches (keeps the apples/prunes in place). Fatty bacon strips over the ducks placed lengthwise and is held in place using. thin trå. The ducks are long-term FRY

Cakes in form Baking soda Cinnamon, ground Vanilla sugar ...

Stir in butter, brown sugar and icing sugar together well. Stir in the egg yolks one at a time. Add the cinnamon and vanilla sugar. Mix flour and baking soda in and quickly collect the dough. put the evt. cold 1/2-1 hour. Roll or press dough into half of a

Desserts (cold) Water Sugar Vanilla pod ...

Peel the apples, remove the core and cut them into small cubes. Set the apples over to boil with sugar, split vanilla pod and water. When the apples are tender, after about 2 min, taken by the heat and cooling. Mascarpone-cheese stirred lind, and the cooled Ap