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Recipes with Apples

Desserts (warm) Cinnamon, ground Almonds, peeled Baking soda ...

Peel the apples and cut them into many small boats. Then butter a saucepan with butter and put the apples in it. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Melt the butter. Mix sugar, flour and baking soda and put it in the melted butter. Stir so well until the mass is solid. Th

Desserts (warm) Lemon juice-amount as desired Eggs Milk ...

You start peeling the apples, cut the "intestines" and pour lemon juice over them. Cut them into small pieces. Then put them in the fridge. Butter a pan into low fat margarine and mirror a low-fat fried egg. While the egg is on the forehead you can coconut

Cakes in form Salt Danish water Oil ...

Stir out of oil. The eggs are whipped in one at a time. The dry ingredients are whipped in the dough. Turn the grated apples, grated marcipan and chopped chocolate into the dough. The dough comes in a pan of bread ca. 26x38cm covered with baking paper.

Mains Pepper Salt Bouillon cubes in 1 dl. water ...

Tear the bell celery. Blinds mushrooms and nuts well. If necessary, chop about 1/3 of the nuts a little coarser. Mix the celery with mushrooms and nuts and add the chopped onions. Then mix the 3 eggs in. The broth and raspberries are now mixed in the pulp, t

Mains Flat-leaf parsley Chervil Pepper ...

Brown the pork chop in rapeseed oil in a thickened pot. It is important that the pot is very hot, so the meat rises well before the other ingredients are added. Peel the shallots, halve them lengthwise and divide each half into 4 boats. Peel the celery and

Bread, buns & biscuits Cinnamon, ground Pearl sugar/tesukker Water ...

Oranges and apples chopped / blended into mash. Only remove kernel from apple, leave peeled on. The oranges must be stone free, be careful to get the white layer from the peel off. Everything is mixed and kneaded. Depending on how much juice there is in the

Desserts (patisserie) Cream or low-fat milda product Freeze dried vanilla cereal Coarsely ground by means cardamom ...

Blend the ingredients to the rasp to the desired fineness. The rasp is baked in the oven at 200 degrees for approx. 15 min. Keep an eye on the rasp, turn it in between so that it does not get too brown. Set for cooling on the kitchen table. The apples are p

Pickling Kiwi Bulb Water ...

Peel apples and pears, cut them into the tern. Put them in the pan with the water and start boiling. Cut the mandarins over and fry the meatloaf with a fork, peel the kiwi and cut it into the tern. Both of them are put together with sugar and vanilla. Let th