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Recipes with Whole milk

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

The meat is cut into thin slices approx. 2 to each. The thin meat slices are knocked out. Roll with a thin slice of smoked sprouts, a toothpick stuck through the meat roll all the way. Brush well in margarine and picked up. Wild Sauce: The flour is added t

Cakes in form Margarine Whole milk Eggs ...

Eggs and sugar are whipped white, the margarine is melted and poured in. Flour and baking powder are mixed and sieved down into the dough with the milk. The apples are peeled and cut into the tern before turning into the dough. The dough is filled in a f

Cakes Egg for brushing Comments to sprinkle Salt ...

The milk is poured and poured over crumbled yeast, sugar, salt out the ejected eggs. Mix the mixture together and when it is even, add the flour gradually. The dough is finished completely, it must be soft without being a fountain. It is raised for a raised

Cakes Eggs Chopped almonds Sugar ...

The yeast dissolves in the lukewarm milk. The softened margarine is added together with the other ingredients. The dough is kneaded well and raised for a 1/2 hour. The dough is formed into 2 flat, elongated pieces. Margarine, sugar and raisins are spread over

Desserts (patisserie) Dark chocolate 44% Garnish Pineapple. canning ...

Cream: Whip the contents of a letter MAIZENA Vanilla cream with 5 dl. Milk Put the cream in the fridge for 20 minutes. After cooling, whip it for 1 minute. Let the powder drain and cut it into smaller pieces. The banana is peeled and cut into slices. Pu

Bread, buns & biscuits Cardamom, ground Eggs Salt ...

Lean the milk (handle) and dissolve the yeast in salt and sugar (the yep yeast will be completely liquid after half a minute). Once the yeast is dissolved, pour the lukewarm milk and add the other ingredients. Eat the dough well and let it rise for half an hou

Cakes in form Cinnamon Whole milk Butter ...

Crumble the butter in the flour. Add sugar and cream fry and knead the dough lightly. Put the dough in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Roll 3/4 of the dough and cover a pie shape. Distribute the filling into the pie. Roll the rest of the dough ou

Mains Butter Pepper Eggs ...

Meatfare: Turn onion, flour or rasp, mix well with chopped meat. Eggs or unheated egg whites are kneaded in. Spices and milk or broth are stirred together and added little by little. The father gets better the more it gets touched and likes to rest approx. 1