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Recipes with Whole milk

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Spread cut into 4 long strips. The Schnitzels are divided 1 time and each piece of meat is spun with a nut strip and browned in margarine. Milk, spices and color added. Twisted tenderness approx. 15 minutes. Serve green salad and potatoes to.

Mains Mashed potatoes Suit Paprika ...

Cut each schnitzel in 2 or 3 pieces across. Beat the meat with a meat hammer. Dip the meat dry with kitchen roll. Sprinkle with salt and pepper Put ½ slice of bacon on each piece of meat. Roll them together. Tie a piece of string around. Bring the fat

Mains EVS. a little sugar Nutmeg Salt ...

The shoots roots are rinsed / scrapped and put into a mixture of lemon juice and water (to avoid oxidation). The roots are cut into pieces of 12-15 cm and boiled in lightly salted water for approx. 5 min. They must still be firm and crisp. Take up and cool in

Mains Nutmeg, freshly grated Pepper Salt ...

The potatoes are peeled and cut for 1 cm. Thick slices. Boil in salted water 10 min. And spread into a greased ovenproof dish. The hamburger rye is cut into cubes and sprinkled over. The onions are chopped and swirled in the butter. Mushrooms are quartz

Mains EVS. fresh basil, watercress or similar for decoration by no Freshly ground pepper Sea salt ...

Rice: The rice is boiled according to the package's instructions. Curry sauce: Peel the onion and chop, the apple peeled and freeze for the core house and cut into small pieces. The bulbs are heated in a pan of approx. 100 grams of butter or margarine unt

Mains Wheat flour Suit Pepper ...

The chops are lightly bitten and sprinkled with flour, brining quickly on the forehead in golden margarine on both sides. Put the chops in a fireproof dish, decorate with tomato slices and asparagus. sauce: Cook the pan fat with milk and broth and smooth w

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Rabbit parties. Bring in butter, add liquid, onions, parsley, mushrooms and spices. Darkness for low heat for approx. 1 hour. The sauce is leveled and added to the color. Served with fried potatoes.

Mains Pepper Red currant juice Salt ...

The rabbit is browned and poured gently with the ready-made sauce. Stepped for quite weak heat and tight closing for approx. 11/2 hours. Reversed when half the cooking time has elapsed. Served with white and browned potatoes, as well as red cabbage and cranber