Recipes with Whipped cream
The cream whipped stiff. Appelsinen peeled and chopped very finely, mix with sugar and put in the cream. Serve with ice.
Apples peeled and chopped fine. Boil for about 10 min. and cool. The cream whipped stiff. The apples blended with sugar and mix in the cream skimmed. Served with ice.
Came the frozen berries in a blender. Add the eggs and powdered sugar. Blend it together. Pour the cream in a little at a time. Serve immediately.
The cream whipped stiff. Appelsinen squeezed and season with sugar. Orange juice into cream foam that immediately served with chocolate ice cream.
The cream whipped stiff. The lemon squeezed in. mix sugar and cream foam with lemon juice. Served with chocolate ice cream.
Slice the ice out in slices and put them on a platter. Chop the caramelized pineapple and whip the cream stiff fine. Sprinkle pineapple out over the ice and garnish with whipped cream.
Rinse mint leaves and let them drain well in a colander. Boil water and sugar in 15-20 minutes by even heat. Take the Pan from the heat and let the sugar sheet swallow. Chop the mint leaves finely and add to the sugar bed sheet. Freeze the mixture for it will
Milk, sugar, cream, vanilla and corn boil up. The mass in egg yolks over legeres. The coarsely chopped mint leaves granted. Pulls in at least 12 hours. Ismassen sieve and add new fresh mint leaves and ice run on the IceMaker.
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