Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Mains Parmesan cheese Wheat flour Bacon, diced ...

Rinse the mushrooms clean and cut them into slices. Melt the margarine in a saucepan and Add flour to it will be a melbolle, add cream and let it cook up to a thick sauce, add the parmesan salt and pepper to taste good. Sauté mushrooms and bacon in a fry

Cakes Cardamom, ground Whole milk Sugar ...

Eggs, yeast and sugar is stirred together. Add the milk, flour, raisins and sukat. Roll the dough out on the table, and place margarine (cut into slices with a cheese plane). Put the dough together and roll out again. Continue with margarine-roll out, fo

Desserts (warm) Salt Wheat flour Eggs ...

1) Stir flour and milk to the jævning. 2) whisk eggs and salt in 3) Heat the fat in the Pan and mix it into the batter. 4) remove pan away from heat and got dough, about 1 dl (depending on pandens size, experiment) Let it run out, so the Pan is covered. 5) Bak

Cakes Raspberry jam Cardamom, ground Whole milk ...

Yeast and sugar is stirred together and add the eggs. Add milk (room temperature), sukat and raisins and knead the flour in gradually. Roll the dough out on the table. Cut thin slices of margarine and put them on the dough. Approx. 4 pieces on each piece. P

Cakes in form Large eggs Vanilla sugar Milk ...

mix the flour and baking powder. beat the egg, add the milk and whisk as sugar vanilla oil. mix in flour and then eventually fill. fill muffins shape almost completely up and behind them at approximately 180 degrees for about 20-25 my. Tips: my favourite i

Cakes in form Cooking chocolate Coconut Butter ...

First, melt the butter and chocolate. Then will be sugar, coconut and flour added. After having touched all the ingredients together, put the cake in a tupperware (or similar) with a lid. After 6 minutes in microwave taken the cake out and the lid is taken. Th

Cookies Eggs Baking soda Vanilla ...

Stir together, put in small clumps on baking paper on a baking sheet. Set them with teaspoons. Bake at 200 degrees C for about 8 minutes in the middle of the oven.

Cookies Vanilla Eggs Baking powder ...

The dough rolled up in long rolls, which is printed on one side, so that the cut pieces get the leaf shape. Cut thin. Bake. Glaseres with romglasur. On the Center sprinkled a little chocolate vermicelli.