Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Water

Bread, buns & biscuits Coarse flour to sprinkle Together the beaten egg for brushing Salt ...

Crumble the yeast in a bowl. Heat oil, water and syrup for approx. 37 degrees (finger heat) and dissolve yeast in a little of the hot liquid. Stir in the rest and add salt, coarse flour and most of the wheat flour. Bring it to a smooth dough with as much flour

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Oil Yeast ...

Crumble the yeast in a bowl. Warm water and oil to approx. 37 degrees (finger warm) and dissolve the yeast in it. Add salt and most of the flour. Eat as much flour in the dough as it can take. Thoroughly care for approx. 10 minutes until the dough is smooth. C

Desserts (warm) Chopped nuts Chopped chocolate Shell of 3 oranges ...

Chop nuts and chocolate to the bottoms separately. Whip egg whites very stiff. Whip about 1/3 of the sugar and gently twist the rest of the sugar together with nuts and chocolate. Draw 3 circles on baking paper, 20-22 cm in diameter. Distribute the dough into

Desserts (cold) Orange Tripple sec or cointreau (orange liqueur) Vanilla ell. 1 pinch vanilla sugar ...

Kastaniemousse: All ingredients are lied with constant stirring until they are melted together (do not boil). Pour the pulp into a bowl and keep it cold, like the night. Put a spoon of lunchtime in boiling water and bake the mousse with a spoonful of egg a

Mains Cucumber salad Boiled potatoes Pepper ...

Sprinkle the chicken inside with salt and pepper and fill it with rinsed parsley. Bring it in the butter in a frying pan. Pour the broth and lay on it. Let the chicken simmer for approx. 1½ hours. After 1 hour pour the cream and soy in. Take the chicken and

Desserts (cold) Water Isinglass Vanilla ...

Soak the house in cold water for 10 minutes. Pinch it Bring sugar, cream, milk, vanilla grains and rods into a pan and allow to boil. Melt the house blossom in it. Pour the pulp into a serving glass and let it stiff in the refrigerator approx. 4 hours. Boil

Desserts (cold) The second salad after own taste Comté or Gruyère, in small cubes A sprinkle of lavender ...

Pannacotta: The house block is soaked in cold water. Cream, sugar and vanilla are boiled for 15 minutes and the vanilla dish is taken up. The house blast is brought in and the mass is sifted into 6 small molds and left to cool until they are stiff. Syrup: T

Desserts (cold) Grated nutmeg Vanilla, possibly. Polynesian Honey ...

Panna Cotta: Bring milk into a small saucepan, scrape the vanilla grains into the milk, add the stuffed vanilla dish, add cane sugar, cloves and honey. Warm up to boiling point. Softly blow out in a little cold water, squeeze the water and pour it into the