Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Water

Appetizers Cinnamon Nykværnet pepper Turmeric ...

Preheat oven to 180 degrees C. Put the chicken, onion, parsley, coriander, turmeric, saffron, oil, ginger and cinnamon in a refractory mould with water. Set the dish in the oven for 90 minutes. Take the chicken up av mould and refrigerate. Pick meat of and

Desserts (cold) Orange syrup with vanilla & chili Split vanilla pod Linghams chili sauce ...

The water to the boil in a thick-bottomed saucepan. And wild rice, round grain milled sprinkled in and boil for approx. 2 min. add milk and vanilla pod. Be brought once again to a boil while stirring. The porridge småsimrer, covered, on low heat for approx. 50

Desserts (cold) Organic whipping cream Organic whole milk , round grain milled ...

The porridge Water brought to a boil, pour, round grain milled in and let them cook for 2 min. pour the milk in, and vanillestangen, and turn down at the lowest burner. Mix some gruel is under the lid, be sure to stir once in a while, it burns easily. It b

Sauces Corn flour cornstarch Water Henkogte cherry ...

Bring cherries and 1/2 dl. water to the boiling point. Udrør corn flour flour in the rest of the water. Stir smooth no in the sauce. Cook the sauce for approx. 1 minute – and the sauce is ready to be served warm together with e.g. rice a la mande.

Sauces 2 tsp. Duck broth Neck wingtips gizzard and heart Wheat flour ...

Cook neck, gizzard and heart wingtips, along with vegetables and possibly. broth 1 hour. SI it (it can be done in good time). Pour the juices from the second addition. Let it stand for a moment, and foam fat of (it attaches itself above). Melt the butter, a

Salads A little salt and pepper Marinade: (oil-vinegar dressing) Lemon juice ...

The entire place in meljævner and shake well and season. Can be varied with spices whichever salad it is used for. Can be used for e.g. Lamb roast or roast pork or chicken/duck roast only your imagination sets the limits.

Bread, buns & biscuits Bageferment-grunddej Portion bageferment fordej Rye flour or rugsigtemel ...

Bageferment-fordej made 12-14 hours before the production of the final bread dough. 2 ½ dl water (about 37 ° C) incorporated in approximately 175 g whole wheat flour or spelt flour for a steady batter. Add ½ tbsp bageferment-grunddej, and who touched so th

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

Chop the onion and leeks. Brown it in about half of the fat in a pan. Add the rice and it diced meat and Brown the meat has changed color. Pour the mixture into a casserole dish. Brown cabbage in the rest of the FAT to the looks a little blank out. If necessar