Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Water

Cakes Eggs Tesukker Salt ...

The dough: Stir the yeast into the cold water. Beat the egg yolks, salt, and sugar in the 15 g fats smulder, in the flour and mix it with gærvæden. Knead the dough well and let it rest 15 minutes. Put the margarine between 2 parchment paper or plastic foil

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

The meat is turned into flour with added salt and pepper and Brown, possibly. by sometimes. Be taken up. Vegetables chopped and Brown in margarine. boiling water, tomato paste and bay leaf are added. The meat is added back. Småkoges under lid in 2-3 time fo

Pickling Lemon Oranges Gelling powder ...

Oranges and lemons, washed and peeled with a potato peeler. Peal is cut into fine strips (possibly on food-processor). The strips are boiled in water for 15 minutes. The white membranes are removed from the fruit flesh, which is cut into small pieces. Place

Pickling Oranges Lemon Gelling powder ...

Oranges and lemons, washed and peeled with a potato peeler. Peel's loved ones in fine strips (possibly on food-processor). The strips are boiled in water for 15 minutes, The white membranes are removed from the fruit flesh, which is cut into small pieces. Plac

Mains Fresh chopped chives Freshly ground black pepper Cold butter balls ...

Brine: combine the ingredients and cook them for about 5 min. Cool well before use, like in the 24 hours before use. Bed sheet can be used over and over again, if stored in the refrigerator in a scalded container. Cut the beef into large cubes ad ca. 1.5 x

Mains Fill Oregano, dried Paprika ...

Dough: Stir yeast and water together. Stir in margarine, salt, buttermilk into mixture. Knead flour into little by little. Stuffing: melt margarine in a saucepan. Saute the meat in it. Add the grated carrot and onion, chopped tomato, as well as the rest of

Sauces 1 t Béarnaise essence EVS. dill Pepper ...

Came the egg yolks in a blender (not a food processor), add essence, a little salt and pepper. Let the Blender run a little. Melt butter and boil some water. Pour the butter slowly in yolks while the Blender is running the whole time. When all the butter is

Mains Salt Butter Water ...

Dough: grease and water boiled up as greasy melts and cools again. The salt is mixed in the flour in a bowl and fat mass kneaded gradually in to a fixed smooth dough. The dough is covered with plastic wrap and rest in the fridge for an hour. Meanwhile prepa