Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Water

Mains Freshly ground pepper Fresh mild red chili pepper Coarse salt ...

Cut in thin slices and remove the cores chilipeberen-under running water. Melt the butter in a wok or skillet by excessive heat, but without the Tan. Saute the garlic, chilli, ginger and beans for about 1 ½ minutes. Add water and curry sauce. Bring to a boil a

Mains A little chopped Basil Pepper Salt ...

The meat is cut into thin slices and is layered in a little of the marinade, using lime blended with olive oil, basil, garlic, salt and pepper. Artichoke salad: artichokes freed from the stick and cooked tender in abundant salted water with lemon-approx. 45

Mains White pepper A little lemon juice Pepper ...

The flesh is cut out in four straight thick steaks. In each steak cut a deep pocket. Norway lobster-tails toasting on a hot pan in a little good olive oil. Lobster broth is complied by, and it all boils approx. 4 minutes. Then met cremefrâiche on, and it all b

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Set water and soy to the broth into a saucepan. Cut the herbs into small pieces and put them into the pan with the spices and the whole chili. It all boils over a low heat for 30 minutes, then the broth sifted over a saucepan. The vegetables to accompanimen

Desserts (patisserie) Baking powder Corn starch Game boiling water ...

Whip the eggs light and airy. Beat the sugar and the water in. Mix flour and potato flour well with antler salt and stir it into the egg mixture with easy hand (i.e. so it has just unified). Butter 3 pie shape, approx. 21 cm, divide the batter and bake them im

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Sugar Wholemeal wheat flour ...

Water oatmeal and salt boil for approx. 2 min. to oatmeal. The porridge cools. The milk and the yeast is mixed lunes herein. Oatmeal, oil, sugar, whole grain wheat flour and wheat flour is added. Keep a bit of wheat flour left. The dough covered with a t

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Sugar Wholemeal wheat flour ...

Water oatmeal and salt boil for approx. 2 min. to oatmeal. The porridge cools. The milk and the yeast is mixed lunes herein. Oatmeal, oil, sugar, whole grain wheat flour and wheat flour is added. Keep a bit of wheat flour left. The dough covered with a tea tow

Sides Tarragon White pepper Salt ...

Lagen boil about 15 minutes. The brine is injected into the pig after it's scratched-with the largest spray and largest needle, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. On request can be added other herbs such as thyme.