Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Water

Mains Groftkværnet pepper Oregano Thyme ...

In a saucepan, Brown the meat first on fat edge, so some of the fat melts off, and then on the other pages. Salt and pepper are added. The onions peeled and added along with garlic, spices, salt and tomatoes. Roast, covered, in småkoger 1 1/2-2 hours, the m

Pickling Atamon, liquid Ribs, fresh Sugar ...

They barely ripe currants and water brought to a boil, and slowly småkoger in about 20 minutes. The berries are strained through a cloth or juice pouch. The juice is measured and brought to the boil. For each liter of sieved juice: 1000 g. sugar 0.5 TS

Sauces Water Sweet licorice Sugar ...

Water & sugar boil up, the sweet licorice melted in bed sheet

Mains Blanched currants White pepper Nutmeg ...

Boil water, salt and sugar up to salt and brown sugar is melted. Keel fitted sheet completely. Put beef breast in the brine so that it is covered completely. Put any. a plate on top. Let the meat pull 5 days. Peel the vegetables. Crack leeks and onions in p

Mains Bread or boiled potatoes Freshly ground pepper Salt ...

Peel and rinse the carrots, parsnips and beets, and cut them into uniform and not for large pieces. Cut the rodskiven of the Brussels sprouts and remove if necessary. the outer leaves. Cut the Brussels sprouts into quarters. Cut the rodenden of leek, dra

Mains Potatoes Pepper Salt ...

Herb sauce Chop the herbs for aromatic sauce. Stir the ingredients together with 1 tablespoon water. Season with salt and pepper. Style sauce in the refrigerator until serving. Rødbedesauté Peel them. Grate them coarsely or cut them into thin strips. Boil

Soups A bit of hot sauce Finely chopped chili Curry ...

Cut the vegetables into cubes. With plenty of chilli and Ginger will be the true "burning". Deck the vegetables with water and cook a 10 minute time. Then, simmer a twenty minutes to the cases is tender but slightly crunchy. Can heated up again or be eat

Mains Pepper Salt Dill ...

Pod the peas first, or while the right cooker. Scrape new potatoes or buy washed potatoes, which are ready for use. If the potatoes are not quite small cut in e.g. four pieces. Scrape the carrots and cut them into 2 cm long pieces. Peel the white asparagus