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Recipes with Vanilla sugar

Cakes Cocoa Water Margarine ...

The Margarine is melted in the water. Eggs and sugar are thoroughly stirred together. Then the rest is stirred in. Pour the dough into a large pan with baking paper and baking on the middle shelf at 200 degrees for 25 minutes. glaze: Flormelis mix with wa

Cakes in form Baking soda Salt Ground cinnamon ...

Preheat the oven to 175 degrees C Peel the apples. Cut them in half and make sure to remove stems and kernels. Cut them into small triangles. Mix the apples with cinnamon and sugar. Then mix flour, baking soda, salt and 3/4 of walnuts in another bowl togethe

Desserts (cold) Large handful hazelnuts Usprøjtet Orange Vanilla sugar ...

Whip the cream together with vanilla sugar for a light foam. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and add fried orange peel. Chop hazelnuts. Pour the chocolate into a cold bowl and turn 1/4 of the foam in. Then turn the rest of the foam and the chopped nuts

Cookies Salt Eggs Egg white ...

Chop the butter into small pieces, let it have room temperature and whip it creamy with sugar and dough (use a hand mixer). Whip the egg together with peanut butter. Sieve flour, vanilla sugar, baking soda and salt together and stir in the dough. Whip egg w

Porridge & gruel Sugar Sugar for spreading Water ...

Remove the kernels from the bulbs and cut the bulbs into smaller pieces. Put the pears in a pan with the water and bring it to a boil. Add sugar and vanilla sugar and boil for 10 minutes. Remove the pan from the hot plate. Add potato flour and stir thoroug

Cakes in form Cinnamon Vanilla sugar Baking soda ...

Heat the oven at 175 degrees. Whip eggs and sugar together, to an airy mass. Add flour, baking soda and vanilla sugar. Mash the bananas and add to the mixture. Then add milk and put it in a cake form, sprinkle the cinnamon on top and put it in the oven.

Desserts (cold) Cream Salt Almonds ...

Rice flour: pour 1½ liters of milk and rice in a thickened pot. Slice the vanilla sticks along and scrape the vanilla kernels with a knife. Put the vanilla kernel and vanilla bars in the pan and heat up with mild heat while stirring. Let it boil for 2-4 minute

Drinks (cold) 1 large glass Milk Vanilla sugar ...

Squeeze the juice from the clementine into the glass. Pour milk into the oven. Add vanilla sugar and stir around.