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Recipes with Vanilla sugar

Cakes in form Food coloring Milk Margarine ...

Eggs and sugar mix into an airy eggshell. The melted margerine is poured in Then pour the rest in Take 6 bowls. And put the fruit color in a bowl. Add another color to the others Then pour one bowl in, for example, the red color. And the others in Bake on

Cakes in form 1 + 0.5 dl. cream Light syrup Vanilla sugar ...

To do this: Start turning the oven at 225 degrees. Then you start the dough: Gently melt the butter. Then whip eggs and sugar together in a bowl to make it a fluffy mass and add the melted butter and the rest of the ingredients afterwards. Whip it all togeth

Cookies Chopped hazel nuts or other nuts at will (without peel) Eggs Baking soda ...

ca. 1/4 of chopped chopped finely, 1/4 chopped roughly and 1/2 chopped to relatively large pieces. Whip butter, sugar and egg together with an electric whip. Mix flour, vanilla sugar and baking soda. Stir the flour mixture in the dough and then stir the

Cakes Baking soda Cocoa Salt ...

Turn on the oven at 175 degrees C. alm. oven. First mix the dry ingredients together and then add the rest of the ingredients. Whip the dough at minimum speed for approx. 2 min. (The dough is very thin) Bring baking paper in a frying pan of approx. 30x40 c

Drinks (warm) Sugar/icing sugar Vanilla sugar Unsweetened cocoa ...

Hot milk and cream must not boil, stir cocoa, flour, vanilla sugar and coffee together so it looks like icing when the milk is hot hot pour Some of the milk in the cocoa mixture and stir well, then pour the cocoa cheese into the milk and stir until it has spr

Desserts (cold) Vanilla sugar Whipped cream Egg yolks ...

Egg yolks, sugar and vanilla sugar are whipped "white" or until it has become a cool mass. Cream is whipped and turned into the egg mass. Everything is poured on the ice machine (with compressor) and runs approx. 30-40 minutes or until the machine goes on. Th

Desserts (cold) Milk Vanilla sugar , round grain milled ...

Boil porridge and milk for rice flour. Let it cool for a day in the fridge. Mix the sugar with sugar, vanilla sugar and almonds. Whip the cream and turn it into the mixture.

Drinks (cold) Cinnamon Cardamom Nutmeg ...

Divide the eggs into plums and whites. Whip the egg yolks and half of the sugar into an eggshell. Whip the whites with the other half of the sugar. Mix both and whip at low speed milk, rum, whiskey, and half of the cream and vanilla sugar together. Sprinkle th