Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Peppers

Mains Chili Lemon juice Mayonnaise ...

Let the tuna drip of water. Pick it into smaller pieces. Stir the mayonnaise with sour cream and spices and other things and mix the tuna in. Came crispy lettuce at the bottom of the warm taco shells and then the filling. Fill just before serving.

Mains Avocado Peppers Dijon mustard ...

Cut the meat in 1/2 cm thick slices. Mix the flour and pepper. Turn the slices in it. Beat eggs, water and cheese together and turn the slices into egg mixture. Butter and oil heats up on a Gastolux pan until light brown. Fry the slices Golden at low heat,

Mains Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

Rinse and clean the peppers and remove the top and take frøstolene out. Melt the butter and the SL's and mushrooms. Fry them in the butter-add solve rice, hazelnuts, cream and season with nutmeg, salt and pepper. Let the parts simmer together for 5 min. Stir i

Lunch (to go) Cucumber Dressing Feta ...

Shop in advance, remember, if desired. any small plastic goblets. Hot pitabrødet, slice the cucumber, pebberfrugten & lettuce in small pieces. Open the cans of corn & tuna or shrimp. Fill pitabrødet with the cucumbers, corn & salad. Fill the dressi

Mains Chili Pepper Salt ...

The peppers cut into strips and FRY in very short time in the oil along with the crushed garlic and chilli cream is added and the right season with salt and pepper. The bacon cooked in the oven or on the forehead and divided into appropriate pieces and reve

Mains Tomato salsa Lemon juice Onion ...

Mix lemon juice, finhakket cilantro, olive oil, lemon pepper and salt in a bag. Add chicken fillets and close the bag. Put the meat cold overnight. Melt the butter in a frying pan. Put the chicken fillets and fry them in light brown. Put the meat onto a

Mains Bønneurt Paprika Pepper ...

Cut the meat into small pieces and FRY in oil and little water. Add the onion and when onions are tender-the cooked liver cut into cubes, cut up mushrooms, peppers, tomatoes, pepper, bønneurt, wine, salt and a little warm water. Touch, ladle i (ovenproof) plat