Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pepper

Salads Lemon juice Fresh parsley (minced easily) Olive oil ...

Peal is taken by avokadoerne, and cut into bite-sized cubes. Tomatoes and red onions cut into cubes. Carrot, peeled and cut into slices of about ½ centimeter oblique. Mix everything together in a bowl, add about 1 teaspoon of oregano, much parsley. Mix lemon j

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

Sprinkle the fish with salt and pepper and place it in a baking dish. Pour a little water in the dish, benefit some dill sprigs and lemon slices in the fish and put some thin slices of butter on. Set the dish in the oven at 200 degrees for approximately 35

Mains Pepper Salt Corn ...

Dough: the ingredients are mixed and stirred together and the dough bake for 8 big pancakes. Filling: chop the cabbage, leeks cut into rings, peppers cut into small cubes. Cabbage, leeks and peppers cooked ca. 8 minutes in the water, which is spiked with sa

Soups Pepper Salt Brøndum snaps-flavoured ...

Chop half the onion and carrot fine. Gently fry them then map. Warm then pig Fund up to the boiling point, then add the cream and the pork vegetables. then pour the DRAM carefully in conjunction with kommenen. Now let it simmer for 5-7 minutes and then ti

Mains Good sjokolade Cherry wine Crushed juniper berries ...

We start with the sauce. 1ltr cream placed in a light boil, along with 1 large red currant jelly and a splash of sp spoon cherry wine, add a little butter, salt and pepper. as well as colour. levelled for the hangs by a fork. The back. who chop down

Cold cuts Pepper Salt Onion ...

1: getting the ham in the blænderen and blændt it and it came in a bowl. 2: cut the bell pepper and onion into small pieces and got it in the bowl. 3: cut purløgen and it came in conjunction with mayonaisen. 4: to taste with salt and pepper. 5: get

Soups Hønsebullion Milk and/or cream Pepper ...

Cut all the vegetables in coarse pieces. Brown them in the bottom of a pot until they have got color. Add the curry powder and let it burn. Add water to the vegetables are covered and let the buldrerkoge to all the vegetables are completely tender. Blend the

Appetizers A little fresh herbs Pepper Grated lime or lemon should be of 1 ...

Stir the marinade together. Cut the tofu into sticks in suitable size. Mariner tofu strips at least an hour, preferably up to 24 hours in refrigerator. Cut the Aubergine for a maximum period of 1 cm-thick slices lengthwise. Fry them briefly on the grill