Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pepper

Mains Iceberg-lettuce Jalapeño on glass Spices ...

Sprinkle the chopped beef on a hot pan of olive oil and add a little chopped onion, spices, salt and pepper and tomato paste - after taste. Wash the vegetables and cut them into thin strips. The tomatoes are cut in both. Corn, olives and jalapeños are fishe

Mains Suit Pepper Whipped cream ...

Start removing any. Inmate in another. Then cut the 2 outermost joints of the wings, halve and brown them in a little butter pot, and when they are well brown pour water over, approx. 8 dl. And it cooks until another is finished. The other is filled with ap

Mains Basil, fresh Pepper Salt ...

Brown the meat in the oil on all sides. Add wine, broth, chopped tomatoes, peppers and spices. Let it simmer under the lid for approx. 35 minutes, turn the meat a couple of times under way. Take the meat, add cream, taste to. The sauce may be possible. Leve

Mains Curry Pepper Salt ...

All vegetables are cut into strips or terns and wrapped on a pan for approx. 5 min. If the vegetables start to bite at the bottom, add a little water. The vegetables are picked up. Then the meat is tendered tenderly. Mix it all together and season with soy

Mains Broccoli into small florets A little olive oil for frying Pepper ...

The fathers are mixed and shaped into free dishes, cooked well on all sides. Sauce: Onions, peppers and tomatoes are sautéed on a fat-free pan, paprika added. Water is added gradually. The broccoli bouquets are added and it all boils 5-6 minutes until the

Sides Pepper Salt Large potatoes ...

Peel the potatoes and grind them roughly. Push off the wipes in a cloth. Season the potatoes with salt and pepper. Step them golden at even heat like a "thick pancake" in fat approx. 10 minutes on each side. Use a flat pan when turning the rope.

Appetizers EVS. little capers vinegar A little fresh thyme (if you like it) A little crushed bay leaf ...

Cut the anchovy fillets into smaller pieces. Blend all the ingredients, but do not pour all of the oil at once, as the olive dip should not be too liquid. Taste with pepper and possibly a little raspberry. There are many different recipes on tapenade, so it's

Mains Acacia honey Balsamic vinegar Olive oil ...

Take a bullet ladder of 1 kg. Bring it in butter and olive oil and give it a shot of salt and pepper. But only after the fat edge has got a few good scratches. Then put it in a small pan and throw the ladder in the oven at 180 degrees C. alm. oven. It must hav