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Recipes with Orange juice

Candy Candied violets Red sugar balls Orange juice ...

Chop marachinokirsebærrene and knead them in marcipanen along with orange juice. Let rest 1 hour marcipanen. Deploy marcipanen to a 1 cm thick plate. The stick-out hearts with a shape, or cut them off with a knife. Melt chocolate over hot water bath or in the

Desserts (cold) Orange peel thereof Sugar Water ...

Cut the 3 pineapple lengthwise and remove through midterstrengene. Slice the pineapple meat from the shell. Cut it into small cubes and put them in the shells. Advantage orange juice over. Fromage: Put husblasen to soak in cold water for approx. 5 min. beat

Mains Orange juice Coarse salt Jævning ...

Chop the almonds and bread for the stuffing. Use if necessary. a parsley stutters. Stir in the stuffing and let it soak, it hangs together. Rinse the thawed and and dry with a clean cloth. Rub with salt. Came the stuffing in the second. Close with a couple of

Mains Onion Apple vinegar Cinnamon stick (5 cm) ...

warm half of applesinsaften. Grate the Chili's in a hot pan and let them soak for orange juice in the Sun 20 min. Blend chili and orange juice with onion and vinegar to a mos. Shock garlic, thyme, clove, caraway, oregano, allspice, and salt in a mortar. Add th

Candy Orange juice Rome Dried figs ...

Chop or blend the figs with almonds and chocolate. Added orange juice and rum. Roll mixture into small balls and garnish with chopped cocktail cherries.

Cakes in form Bicarbonate of soda Pålægschokolade Cocoa ...

Flour, cocoa, soda and sugar mixed with orange juice and eggs. The butter should be refrigerated and place in at the end. The batter is poured into a baking pan or springform. Baking time about 1 hour at 175 degrees C. • Chocolate placed on the hot cake. Th

Pickling A few sprigs fresh rosemary Lemon grated to thereof Vanilla pod ...

Remove stem and "butt" from the figs and cut them into smaller pieces, it is done easiest with a pair of scissors. Let them soak in the orange juice for at least two hours, preferably longer. Sieve the juice down into a thick-bottomed pan and let it cook into

Mains Pepper Salt Paprika ...

Whisk flour and 2 cups of liquid in a saucepan to a jævning Whip the rest of the liquid and the oil in the pan over medium heat and put the whip to the cooker. Dim heat whisk over low heat for 2 minutes add salt, pepper and paprika Style pan to cool for 5 minu