Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Mushrooms

Mains Allround spice Garlic Paprika ...

Saute the bacon together with Turkey strips over high heat to it has been given a golden color. Add the mushrooms into slices and simmer a little and leave it on a low heat. Add the spices after own taste. Stir. Add the tomato paste and stir in piskefløden. Le

Mains Pepper Salt Parsley, fresh ...

Roll puff pastry out to double size Butter a pie dish (27 cm) with a little oil and line bottom and sides with 3 plates. Slice the chicken-inderfilet into smaller pieces and put them in the pie with roasted bacon cubes, minced parsley, finely chopped shallo

Mains Basil, fresh Watercress, fresh Pepper ...

Fill: put broccolien into the boiling water and boil them in 5-6 minutes and drain, mash it. Chop the mushrooms, then fine. Mix broccoli, mushroom and it diced meat and stir it with eggs and flour. Add salt, pepper and pressed garlic. Fill in the boned

Mains Pepper Salt Butter muffin of 25 g butter/20 g flour ...

The redecorated Guinea fowl rubbed with spices prior to mixing. Ombindes with cotton string or slaughterhouse thread and Brown on all sides over not too strong heat in the letbrunet butter with added oil. When Pearl the hens are beautifully browned all over, a

Mains Lemon juice Vegetables Oil ...

Stuffed perlehøne breast: The spinach lightly of Brown along with finely chopped onion. Seasoned with salt and pepper. Cutting a pocket on the underside of the breast, and the cooled spinach filled. Breasts FRY approximately 25 minutes at 180 degrees C in an

Cold cuts Dressing Iceberg, lettuce Pepper. White ...

Stir the dressing together and taste the good to. Cut the flesh into small cubes and mix it with cleaned, sliced mushrooms, asparagus and peas. Cut the peppers into tiny pieces and mix them in. Turn all the ingredients of the dressing and season it with sal

Mains Salt Butter for frying Thyme ...

Cut the lower part of the kålstokken and boil it in salted water just a few minutes. Boil kålhovedet in the water and cut the leaves away from the stick, as they become soft and put them in a colander to drain. Boil the rice grynene in salted water for 5 mi

Mains Salt Butter for frying Thyme ...

Cut the lower part of the kålstokken and boil it in salted water just a few minutes. Boil kålhovedet in the water and cut the leaves away from the stick, as they become soft and put them in a colander to drain. Boil the rice grynene in salted water for 5 mi