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Recipes with Mushrooms

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

Brown duck breast on the skin side. Rose chest 8-10 minutes on each side. Tag duck breast up, cover it and let it soak in 10-15 minutes. The sauce: vegetables are cleaned, finthakkes and sauté in the pan for a few minutes. Came white wine and tomato puree a

Mains Flûte. rough. industry made to order Pepper Salt ...

The meat is cut into bite-sized cubes and Brown in oil. Onion and Ginger cut into strips and place in pan. Broth, tomato concentrate and spices added. Some gruel is right under the lid for 1 hour. Halve the potatoes and place in the Pan along with 5 dl.

Lunch Italian salad Lightly salted, boiled calf tongue Isinglass ...

Ox tongue cut into thin slices, placed in a serving dish. Cooked mushrooms cut into slices and combine with asparagus slices and beans as garnish. Heavy soup spiked with bouillon cubes and isinglass used for sky. The cold soup onto the icing to attach it. When

Mains Pepper Salt Green bell pepper ...

Koteletterne Brown in butter in the Pan, seasoned with salt and pepper and place in a baking dish. Mushrooms, onions and bell pepper and sauté rensen, cut into slices in the butter in the pan. The peeled tomatoes with wetness, red wine and cream are added.

Mains Suit Margarine for frying Pepper ...

Onion peeled, chopped and sauté in a pan. Add the meat and Brown well. When the meat is well browned, pour water over to the meat is covered. Let it simmer for the meat is almost tender. (approximately 1 ½ hour) When the meat has cooked, add crème frâich

Mains Peas Chicken broth Oil ...

Chicken meat cut raw from the legs into pieces about the size of cocktail sausages and Brown in the oil along with the chopped onion and garlic. Add the rice and sauté with 3 min. Soup that boils at poultry hull, mixed with wetness from the mussels and shrimp

Mains White pepper Salt Chicken broth (bouillon cube + water) ...

Poul standards cleaned well. Freed from the skin. The 4 poulard breasts and a bit of lårkødet is cut of, plumped out, placed on a buttered piece of parchment paper. Mushrooms, dill and onion chopped fine, sauté in butter tilsmages with salt and pepper, cool

Mains A little green Maizenamel Pepper ...

All the meat is cut from the hull. Total fat and skin is cut away. The pure poulardkød cut into appropriate pieces. The sauce: All the vegetables are cleaned. The carrots cut into slices, halved mushrooms, onions and bell peppers cut into strips. The whole