Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Leeks

Mains Curry Coconut Rice ...

Boil the meat with water that evenly covers and add salt, split vegetables and soup. Let it boil until it's tender, approx. 1 1/2 hour. Melt the fat to the sauce and season the curry here. Stir the flour and spoon with 5-6 dl of the sweet soup. Cut the meat in

Mains Bay leaves Pepper Salt ...

The number of vegetables does not matter so much, it is mostly because there is only a fairly even distribution between the different root crops (depending on taste and pleasure of course). The meat is cut into large roots, as does the root crops. The pores

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Enables the vegetables. Cut carrots, pears, parsley and celery in not too thin slices. Cut the onions in quarters. Bring vegetables and crushed garlic into a greased oven dish. Rub the calf breast with salt and pepper and put it with the backside up. Bring som

Mains Romaine Lettuce head Lemon shell thereof Dill ...

Cut the meat into small, shallow pieces and brown them in 50 gr. Butter in a saute pan. Cut the spring bulbs into pieces of 3-4 cm. The top green is also included. Cut the pears into pieces of the same size and split them a couple of times. When the lamb ha

Mains Pepper Salt Thyme ...

Cut the meat into fine strips and wrap it on all sides in butter and oil in a saucepan. Put it in an ovenproof dish. Cut the vegetables into strips and season them a little at a time and put them over the meat in the dish. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Put th

Soups Garlic Pepper Salt ...

Potatoes, carrots and pears are cut into terns / slices. The bacon is browned in a pan and taken up. Then you get the vegetables in the pan, with the fat of the bacon and shake them. Water poured at. The amount you choose is how much a potion you want. T

Mains Pepper Salt Red chili (like more according to taste) Rosemary ...

Turn the oven on 200 gr. Cut garlic garlic garlic and chili fine. Warm a pan well with a little bit of oil and put a small stick of butter in for taste sake. Season the chops with salt pepper and rosemary and brown them on the forehead. Put them in the dish

Mains Pepper Salt Broccoli ...

The rice is boiled as directed on the package. Sliced ​​cloves and peppers are cut into small terns and the pears are cut into rings. The broccoli is cut into small bouquets. The oil is heated on a large sauté pan or in a wok, after which the onions, peppers a