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Recipes with Grated cheese

Mains Grated cheese Salt Dried Garlic ...

The chopped chicken is cooked with the bouillon and when the chicken has got a color add chopped onion, pineapple (without juice) and corn. Karry and garlic are also added. When it's done and boiled 10 min. Add salt with salt. Start with a layer of meat sau

Mains Eggs Broccoli into small pieces Cherry tomatoes cut into quarters ...

Whip egg, salt, pepper and possibly. Milk together. Indicate the egg mass in a pitcher or something that is easy to pour. Put small pieces of broccoli, fried cheese, ham and cherry tomatoes into individual bowls. You get the stuff you want and put in the

Mains Aromat (can be dispensed with) Garlic powder Pepper ...

Put the potatoes in the dish, sprinkle the cloves and onions over and then sprinkle the cheese over the end, come to the oven at 175 degrees for 30-40 minutes until everything is nice golden brown tips: Server with a good steak and salad or similar

Mains Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Peel the potatoes, cut into slices and cook 6-8 minutes on the pan, season with salt and pepper. (You can easily use frozen sliced ​​potatoes instead, they can also be heated in the oven if you want a slightly easier moussaka.) Meat sauce: Season onions, gar

Soups Alm. Onion Chili Sun-ripened tomatoes ...

The tomatoes are cut into big tern, carrots, red pepper and onions are grated on a rough grater, the chili is cut into very small pieces. All the ingredients blend together with the cheese and olives. Then the soup is easily heated, but it can also serve as a

Mains Grated cheese Tomato puree Curry ...

The ham is cut into a 2x2 cm tern, brown in the butter. Sprinkle with the flour to be soaked. Curry and peppers are added together with water, tomato paste and salt. It is braised under low until the meat is slightly tender. About 20 min. The whipped cream is

Lunch Pepper Salt Water ...

Pour water into the pan and put the pasta in as it boils. Put some salt in and pour the water off when the pastes have softened. Then pour the water and pour the paste into a pan. Put the eggs in the pasta and stir. After a while, put the cheese in. Put

Lunch Peeled tomatoes Garlic Ketchup ...

Cook spagetthien. At the same time pour oil into a saucepan when sewing puts all the other ingredients in near spaghetti and meatballs and flourballs. When the tomato sauce is almost finished put meatballs and flourballs in and cook for about 5-10 minutes. W