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Recipes with Fish sauce

Salads Pepper Salt Iceberg lettuce ...

Cook chicken pieces finish. Arrow mangoerne and udsten them. make dressing by mixing all the ingredients in a pan and heat them until sugar is dissolved. Remove pan from heat and let it stand. Cut the chicken into small cubes, while it is still warm. Sheen als

Salads The main Chinese cabbage cut into strips Fish sauce Fresh mint chopped ...

BBQ pork steak 3 minutes on each side or until it is letstegt. Take it off the grill, cover it and let it rest for 5 minutes. Cut the steak into strips of 5 mm with a sharp knife. Heat the water in a wok and cook beef, covered, for 2 minutes. Finally, it must

Salads Hovedsalat leaves or spinach leaves Christmas salad cabbage Lemon juice Brown sugar ...

Peel papayaen and remove seeds. Grate the papaya and carrots on all detachable parts properly Slaw iron, so that will be long and thin strips. Got them in a bowl with the diced tomato. Dressing: mix together garlic, lemon juice, fish sauce, brown sugar and chi

Mains Fresh coriander leaves Fish sauce Whipped cream ...

Arrow if necessary. the prawns out of the shell after thawing and chop them roughly. Whisk eggs and cream together and add chopped scallions, sambal oelek fiddled, fish sauce, sugar, freshly chopped coriander and one peeled and chopped garlic clove. Heat the o

Mains Coconut milk Eggs Fish sauce ...

Chop coarsely with seafood curry paste, peanut butter and lime juice. Whisk eggs with coconut milk and fish sauce and stir it so in fish mass. Let it soak in cold 20-30 minutes. Collect banana leaves with roast needle or toothpick to square small bowls, pla

Salads Pepper Salt Fish sauce ...

Heat the oil in a wok and stir-fry the meat. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Tube drives sauce, lime juice and sugar together in a small bowl and pour immediately over the meat while it is warm. Style meat in the refrigerator. Put lettuce leaves out on a pla

Mains Pepper Salt Strong Mint ...

Preparation of squid: the offal taken out and the smaller arms can possibly. used in conjunction with the white envelope, which is the body. These cut into rings. We cannot get fresh squid, one can make do with the rings, which can be purchased frozen, but the

Salads 15 dried shrimp Peanuts Lime fruit ...

Peel the cucumber, halve it lengthwise, and cut it into half moons. Arrow the onion and chop the onion and chili very fine. Grate half the lime zest and squeeze all the juice from the fruit. Mix this together with fish sauce and sugar. Chop the shrimp and pean