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Recipes with Cucumber

Mains Garlic bread Tzatziki ingredients Yougurt ...

You take your meat cuts it into strips and fry it in your frying pan. You take some potato wedges and put them in a saucepan with oil and let them boil/fry. In the meantime you are cutting your tomato and agurt and bell pepper in half-sized pieces. And put it

Soups Oregano Paprika Cucumber ...

Pour cold water over the bread to the covers. Chicken and peel the tomatoes. Then, remove the seeds from the tomatoes and the peppers and cut them into smaller pieces. Blend tomatoes, peppers, onion and garlic together until it's a liquid mass. Squeeze the

Salads Pepper Salt Cucumber ...

Cut bacon slices into cubes and fry them crispy. Boil pasta screws and let them cool off. Dressing: mix together the yoghurt/creme fraiche with the pressed garlic. Add the cucumber and radishes cut into small cubes. Season with salt and pepper. Just before ser

Salads Pepper Salt Cane sugar ...

Potatoes scrubbed/cleaned and cooked so they are still fixed-cut into both. Cucumber halves, udstenes and cut into thin slices. Radishes are cleaned and cut into slices. Chives cut fine. Reversed with smoking cheese cream and possibly. Garnish with chives a

Mains Juice from rhubarb Cucumber Olive oil ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Scrape the potatoes, boil and cool them, and cut them into smaller pieces. Behind the rhubarb in a baking dish with the sugar for about ½ hour, until tender. Save vædeen. Fry the chicken strips in oil with salt and pepper ov

Mains 1 clove pressed garlic Garlic Olive oil for frying ...

Put the bread soaked in milk. Stir the meat with salt, pepper, bread, eggs and spices to a sufficiently determined father's. Form it into small meatballs and fry them in oil in a frying pan. Grate the cucumber and radishes on the coarse iron in food process

Appetizers (for a thinner dressing, add a little milk during whipping) Dill fin nipset Cucumber ...

steamed fish in baking pan in the oven with water 4 cups water, and Bay and covered with staniol of 220 g preheated oven 20-25 my fish made for cooling. eggs boiled hard boiled Dressing touched. chilled cod be laid on a platter gently added pieces of

Sides Pepper Cucumber Yoghurt ...

Pour youghurten in a filter and let it drain for at least 1 hour, pour væden from. Cut the cucumber into small cubes, sprinkle with salt, let it soak for 30 mins.-pour væden from. Pour the væden from the prawns. Mix together the yoghurt, cucumber and garlic. S