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Recipes with Chives

Cold cuts Red wine vinaigre Veal breast Parsley ...

The meat is placed in water with salt for 12 hours. The meat came up in a pan and cover it with 1 l. water without salt. Clean the onions, garlic, carrots and leeks, the onions in quarters and share the pores and the carrots cut into slices of about 2 ½ cm.

Mains Coarse pepper Chives Salt ...

Set korenderne to soak in the Medoc wine for several hours. Preheat oven 200 degrees. rub Roast with garlic, came pretty much coarse pepper. Place the roast in an ovenproof greased dish, let the roast 45 minutes After frying be roast in another dish and keep w

Soups Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

The ingredients blended together and placed on ice for a few hours, season with lemon juice, sugar, salt and pepper. Serve with fried tandoorirejer and fresh mint.

Soups White ground pepper Salt Chives ...

Parsnip core peeled and cut into smaller pieces and sauté (toasting) in soup fat. Use a good thick-bottomed saucepan with ample room. Påhældes because the broth and boil now 30 min. to all the power is out of parsnips core. During boiling add soup may. Visken

Soups (to be used 1 dl of this Fund) (to be used 2 dl of this Fund) Brown Fund ...

Hummeren blended with a pointed knife in the middle of the head shield (although it still spræller, is the dead) The 2 claws and tail broken off, the Brown sharply in the oil. (Head is saved) Brown Fund: the legs cut into smaller pieces, the Brown in the ov

Salads Chives Cucumber Tomato ...

Cut both the cucumber and tomato in slices and put them between each other. Garnish with fintklippet chives.

Salads Lemon juice Olive oil Mint ...

Bulgur and water mix, pulling in 15 minutes (for all water is absorbed). Herbs, rinsed, dried and chopped, not too fine. Bulgur, herbs, lemon juice and oil mixed together. Served slightly chilled.

Cold cuts Bread Chives Butter ...

All meat tamper-proof of the smoked pheasant and cut into very small cubes. Butter brøddet and place a lettuce leaf on EVS. Came the minced meat on and put an egg yolk on top. Sprinkle with chives.