Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Carrots

Mains Pepper Salt Finely chopped red chilli ...

The tenderloin spices with salt and pepper and stays in intervals. 12 minutes at 200 degrees C. alm. Oven, 12 minutes under clothes, 12 minutes at 200 degrees C. alm. Oven and finally 12 minutes under cloth before cutting and serving. The virgin honey is po

Mains Lemon juice Jævning Olive oil ...

The wild boar is rubbed with salt and pepper. The bacon is browned in a saucepan with carrots in tern, chopped onions, bay leaves and peppers for a couple of minutes. Put the saucepan in the pan and brown for another couple of minutes. Wild broth and red

Soups Pepper Chives, fresh Salt ...

Pears and onions are cut into thin slices and swirled in the margarine. The vegetables boil with the soup and thyme for approx. 10 minutes. Carrots and peas are added and boiled for 5 minutes. The soup is blended. Let the soup boil in the pan, add the cream

Mains EVS. a little celery Curry Pepper ...

The lenses are rinsed thoroughly and cleaned for impurities. The onions are divided into quarters, carrots cut into slices, celery cut into large cubes. It's all put in a large pot with water just covering it all. Add laurel and add the other spices to taste.

Mains Pepper Salt Leaf celery ...

Warm the oil and grate sliced ​​mushrooms in it, take off the forehead and save for later. Heat the oil and lightly the beef, add chopped onions and celery and carrots in slices and shake for a few more minutes. Pour rice, water and salt in, cook over mi

Mains Coffee filter and cotton cord Milk Pepper ...

Heat the oven up to 150 degrees C. alm. oven. Cut the meat out or get the butcher to cut the meat into 5x5x3 cm. Mix the flour with salt and pepper and turn the pieces of meat into it and brown them in butter and oil in a saucepan. Cut the bacon into the

Soups Pepper Salt Chilipeber fruits ...

The beans are soaked in 2 liters of water overnight. The bacon piece is cut into the tern. The sever is cut off. The bacon peas are roasted in oil at low heat in a soup. Onions and carrots are cut into the tern. Celery and pears are cut into slices. All the ve

Mains Pepper Salt Thyme ...

Slice pots in the meat with a sharp knife and put garlic pieces in. Brown butter and olive oil in a thick pot with good heat. Brown the steps on all sides, and add the loin cut into the tern. Allow it to spin for a few minutes. Pour water and gates over the