Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Carrots

Mains Curry Pepper Salt ...

Cut the cabbage. Melt the margarine, chop curry therein. Brown pork tenderloin. Add the other ingredients, except mushrooms and rice. Smokers under the lid for approx. 1 hour. Add mushrooms 10 min. After 50 min. Before serving, stir the hot and hot rice. Se

Mains Kødsnor Milk Pepper ...

Put the meat in a bowl of garlic and onion in a bowl of egg and grate and pour a little milk by stirring it and season with salt and pepper (it's just like a frikad father). Cook the cauliflower head so that it becomes tender (completely soft so you can pee

Mains Leaves of Basil Pale celery Fennel ...

Hamburgerryggen boils in water without salt for approx. 15 minutes and then taken up. The herbs are cut a little rough. You have to take the amount a little by chance, but there must be plenty - it does not matter when the court is ready. Mix the herbs in a di

Soups Pepper Salt Oil ...

Season the onions in thin slices and chop into thin rings in the oil. Save some cut porridge for later. Add potatoes in small tern, parsley in small tern and 6 dl water. Let the mixture boil approx. 20 min. Until the vegetables are tender. Purge the mixture of

Mains Steamed peas or haricotsverts as well as oven-fried root vegetables afkålrabi Half the pears with lingonberry Potatoes ...

The marinade is stirred together, the onions and carrots are chopped in a rough way. They are marinated for about 24 hours in the refrigerator. Bacon finely sliced ​​and shaken in a pan, set aside. Bake dry and brown in margarine in a hot frying pan in t

Mains (a) 38 + maizenamel Broth Pepper ...

Pour the piglets well into cold water and cut them through. Clean them well for tendons and the like. They are dried well in the kitchen roll and then placed on the grill of the oven in a preheated alm. Oven 200 degrees C for approx. 10 min on each side so th

Mains Parsley, fresh Salt Potatoes ...

Cut the dinner chops into 3 cm long pieces, cut a cross (1 cm deep) into one of the sausages with a knife. Cut the cabbage into fine strips and cut out into the tern. Peel the carrots and cut them into thin slices. Season the cabbage and onions in oil an

Mains Pepper Salt Bacon in thin slices ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes. Peel the carrots and cut them into 5 cm long spell. Pil the rosemary, share if necessary. Very big once. Arrow the bulbs and cut them in both. Put the vegetables in a pan and pour the water / broth. Season with salt a