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Recipes with Basil

Mains Basil A bit of cold water Pepper ...

Start with cutting ham meat into small cubes and mariner it in salt, pepper, balsamic vinegar and a little Basil a few hours before or the night before. Crumble the butter into the flour together with the salt. Add a little bit of cold water to the dough st

Mains Basil Beef Fund liquid Oregano ...

Brown meat-onion-garlic and chilli strongly, came the rest on and cook over low heat 1 ½-2 hours. Smoothed over with meljævning ell. snowflake. Serve with rice or mashed potatoes.

Lunch Lemon juice A little coarse salt A little olive oil for frying ...

Start with preparing aïoli: 's hvidløgsfedene and crush them in a mortar with a little coarse salt, add the egg yolk and a little lemon juice and then the oil little by little until aliolien has a suitable consistency. Season to taste with lemon juice. Aïolien

Sides Basil Haricots verts/thin beans Hazelnuts ...

The pasta is cooked (or from the day before) and poured with cold water so it doesn't stick. The beans or haricots verts steamed in lightly salted water and rinse with cold water over. Chopped nuts, honey and oregano, thyme and Basil in a frying pan and he

Lunch White pepper Lettuce leaves for garnish Salt ...

Season chicken meat with salt and pepper. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the 4-5 min on each side, until it is done. Style it to the page. Caramelized pineapple cut into slices, remove the hard midterstok and shell. Cut into slices and then into cubes.

Various Basil Curry Taco spice ...

Mix all together and grate lortet it on a teflon pan. Tips: Good at Risotto

Mains Basil Spinach leaves Advokadoer ...

first and foremost, so we do not need to heat the salmon (that is what you normally use as cold meats). It is very easy indeed. first saw to make bearnaise sauce (the fat cheap ready-made tastes best I think; o)) so is eroding to advokadoerne and cut them in

Mains Wholemeal bread Coarse kitchen salt Salt ...

Heat the oven to 200 degrees. Clean the chicken and blame the good inside. Rinse the parsley and fresh basil and stuffed it in the chicken. Rub the chicken with the salt. The chicken out in roast bag (there must be some air in when you close it). Cut a small