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Recipes with Bacon

Mains 3 x 250 g mushrooms Garlic Marjoram (important!) ...

The meat and the vegetables Fry lightly. Puree and spices are added together with a little water. Some gruel is in ca 1/2 hour. Then add the cabbage and mushrooms and sausages. It some gruel is approximately 1/2 hours. It is important that the sausages are smo

Mains Pepper Breadcrumbs Salt ...

Rinse leeks thoroughly, the ones in pieces on 5-7 cm, blanch them in boiling water, they should still be a little crisp. Roll bacon on each piece of Leek turn them in egg and bread crumbs and put them in the pan to Brown and delicious. You can use boiling wate

Soups Freshly ground pepper Salt Sour cream ...

All root vegetables be rearranged and cut into rough cubes. The onion peeled and cut from head to root. White onions peeled and chopped. The bacon and FRY in fat sauté the onions until they are soft. They fixed the herbs, add and fry slightly with. Add broth a

Mains Pepper Salt Maizenamel ...

Bacon slices wrapped on rinse and Brown in a pan with no fat. Juniper berries, salt, pepper added. Water, cream, maizenamel and cheese whipped together and pour over meat. Småsteger without lid 35-40 min. depending on how red meat must be. The meat is taken up

Appetizers Fat Paprika Pepper ...

Find one or more dust balls on a field or where they now grow. It is the large white mushrooms that look like a football. They must be peeled and cut into cubes. Note: They must be completely white inside. Cut the bacon into small pieces and fry it in a

Mains Chili Pepper Salt ...

The peppers cut into strips and FRY in very short time in the oil along with the crushed garlic and chilli cream is added and the right season with salt and pepper. The bacon cooked in the oven or on the forehead and divided into appropriate pieces and reve

Mains Pepper Salt Crushed garlic ...

Knead the meat with garlic, sour cream and spices. Form 4/beefburgers and put a slice of bacon around each steak-close with kødnål. Does the oven ready for grilling. Brush both surfaces with oil. Set the steaks in the top half of the furnace on the grill grate

Mains Fresh basil A little grated Parmesan cheese A little dried porcinisvampe (karl johan) ...

The dried porcinier broken in small pieces and put to soak in the red wine. Chicken Sauté in olive oil in a thick-bottomed saucepan. The chicken is taken up, and the onion, celery, bell pepper and garlic is chopped finely and Brown in frying fat. Pour a gla