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Recipes with Bacon

Mains Margarine for frying Oriental Curry Salt ...

Brystfiletterne reversed in Oriental Curry and reversed on forehead for it get a little color. Bacon fried crisp Champingionerne fried crispy (If they are small, they can be fried whole, otherwise, cut them into quarters or slices) Filleterne out in a dish the

Mains Bacon Pepper Salt ...

Forcemeat is mixed and divided into 2 roughly equal-sized pieces, cheese fullness posted between them, garnish with bacon. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for about 1 hour. Serve with baked potatoes Hazel

Cold cuts Allspice Bacon Blubber ...

Liver-blubber-anchovies and onions chopped mixed with the egg cream, flour and spices It is filled into ½ l. foil trays and cover with bacon. Bake in a water bath cir. 50 minutes at 180 gr Can be frozen in raw mode

Mains Curry Paprika Pepper ...

Grill the bacon on a dry pan, remove it and then increased the onion and mushroom, without washing the Pan, add the correction. for possible fat. Take the onion and mushroom. Rose koteletterne a few minutes on each side. Add onion and mushrooms in the bottom o

Breakfast & brunch Corn Bacon Baked beans ...

Fry the bacon until it is nice crispy. Meanwhile, wash the tomato and is split into two. When Bacon is done, the two ½ tómater and majsne Sauté in the pan with the fat from the bacon. When both are crisp take the of the forehead. So is it the eggs turn to get

Mains A little milk or cream Pepper Eggs ...

Start with chopping/blending onion and celery. mix it with pork, egg, salt/pepper and bacon which is cut into thin strips. Add the milk or cream, stirring until you have a firm mixture. Style forcemeat cold for an hour about Form small balls of stuffing with a

Mains Bacon Beef Soy ...

4 steak is shaped and placed in a heat-proof casserole dish then pour soy sauce on bøffene and serve with the bacon around the steaks, style them uncovered in the micro for 3 min at 900w So take those out and turned over and put on microfilm and then make a

Mains A few slices of mild cheese Spaghetti Dried or fresh chili ...

Cut the bacon into small pieces, chop the onion and Chili, grate the cheese or cut it into small pieces. Put the spaghetti into a pan well with water, it must usually boil about 8 min. (look at the package) Fry the bacon in a frying pan first (you do not need