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Mains recipes

Mains Peas Potatoes Garlic ...

The chicken is cooked in a pan with salt, pepper and garlic until it is tender, approximately 30 min. Legs and fur is taken from. Leeks cut into slices and broccoli heads cut from stems (stems cut into smaller pieces when they should be cooked a little more).

Mains Green pepper Yellow pepper Conc. Orange juice ...

mörbaden skäres in narrow strips. Brown in smör. läg it in a pan. chop pepper + lög as FRY in 2 min. mix all the same and fry it for 5 min. serves with rice + sallad

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

stir all ingredients well with hand mixer for about 5 min. form forcemeat for a loaf of bread on a baking sheet with bagepair and got the thawed puff pastry down over father's bread. prick some holes with a fork in puff pastry, brush with egg and bake at 220 G

Mains Fresh tarragon Pepper Salt ...

The fish grilled until it is juicy in the middle. The tomatoes cut into quarters, the juice and pips removed, and tomato flesh cut into small cubes. Stirred together with finely chopped onion, saffron, lemon juice, oil, salt, pepper and tarragon. Served with s

Mains Bacon Great tenderloin ...

wrap Tenderloin in bacon and leak into the middle of the webwrn for about 45 min remember to flip it a few times and or let the suit itself you should not look to the Tips: We put champinon with bacon on the lay out of the side and tasted lovely we had cre

Mains Flat-leaf parsley Oil Pepper ...

All vegetables are cut out in appropriate small cubes Boiled into the pot to proper consistency. Finally add coarsely chopped flat-leaf parsley to taste with salt and pepper to taste the pasta cooked al denteFisken cut into appropriate pieces soaked in eggs an

Mains French bread with chewy crumb and crust cut into 2 x 2 cm cubes White wine and black tea (english breakfast el earl grey) Nutmeg ...

A fonduecaquelon (refractory clay pot) or a thick-bottomed saucepan with garlic fattened inside grnides. You can either discard fattened afterwards or choose to leave it in the pan. The 800 grams grated cheese in the Pan and mix together with maizenaen. White

Mains Pepper Salt Oil ...

Fermented touched out in lukewarm water. Oil, salt and half of the flour is added. The rest of the flour is stirred in, little by little, to drop the dough Bowl, but has not been fixed. The dough is kneaded thoroughly and is then switched to the uplift, while