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Mains recipes

Mains Fresh basil New potatoes Oil ...

The potatoes is cleaned and cooked until tender, moses with a fork together with a little olive oil and chopped Basil leaf added. File tøres thoroughly and reversed in rye flour mixed with salt and pepper. FRY in my 2-3 on each side in oil/butter mixture.

Mains Egg Noodles Your favorite vegetables for stir-frying there can also be used a bag wokgrøntsager Oil ...

Soy sauce mixed with ground ginger and ½ clove of crushed garlic (garlic powder can be used, there must be enough to cover the file. Put the file on a plate and cover with the marinade, let it pull in 15 min, turn over a single time. Egg noodles cooked a

Mains Virgin olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Fry the scallops 2 min. on each side in a little olive oil. Add cream and Rosemary and simmer for a few minutes while you boil the pasta according to instructions on package to taste with salt and pepper Season with salt and pepper. Tips: I know that th

Mains Onion finely cut Milk Pepper ...

the water is put over with the same to the rice so fit the timing excellent. the chicken fried in a good heat in butter to it has just gotten a little color over it all then add Curry. Let Curry put it and then add the salt, pepper and sugar. Next steps it

Mains Asian skalotte onion (or ordinary onions) Banana flower Bun (round rice noodles, follow the instructions on the package) ...

Thaw shrimp up and soak them in water in food processor, finely chop it until it is really fine, add minced meat and blend until it is really fine. mix the forcemeat with eggs and a little salt + sugar + a little a little pepper + a couple of chopped onion.

Mains Pineapple in slices Bananas Champion as needed ...

Put the chicken in a pot with water and allow to stand with low heat for a couple of hours (if using fillets, it should only be a half to a full hour depending on the size) While partners chicken meat in small pieces boil the rice in the same water as the c

Mains Oregano Spagetti Eggs ...

Cook the pasta. The pasta is added on the hot pan with a little oil, if desired. olive oil. Eggs and oregano added and stirred around without eggs gets fried stiff. FRY approximately 1/2 minutes. Tips: Nice creamy right.

Mains Whole grain lasagna sheets Ketchup A little extra water ...

Thaw the salmon up and possibly. the spinach Got a little oil in a pan. Slice the onion, garlic and bell pepper into fine pieces and sauté it for a few minutes. Slice the squash, eggplant, mushrooms and spring onions into pieces and sauté it with in a few m