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Mains recipes

Mains Garlic Spinach Pie dough ...

First of all, turn the oven on 200 gr. Close the dough and put it in the bowl when finished. Put so hot spinach in and make it out of it all. Then put tomatoes so that you can see the spinach. Garlic, a whole glass must be left without the juice. Then the

Mains Broccoli head in small bouquets Babyleafes salad Cherry tomatoes in quarters ...

Cook the pasta as instructed on the package. Pour the water and stir the pesto while the pasta is hot. Leave it cool and cool. Pour boiling water over broccoli and peas and leave for a few minutes. Pour the boiling water off and rinse with cold water to pre

Mains Pepper Grated cheese, mozzarella 45 + Salt ...

Slice the pores into thin slices and thoroughly clean them under running water. Put the bacon on a pan. Then add the pizzas and simmer for a couple of minutes. Add the wine and fluff and boil the mixture. Season with salt and pepper. Bring the mixture to

Mains Bagtebønner Diced tomatoes without spices Ground beef + 10% ...

Put the meat in a large pot and let it brown through. While the meat is used, chop and chop then all four onions, which are then added. 3. Add salt and nutmeg. Let the simmer of the onions be ready. Add chopped tomatoes and stir around. Wash the fresh ch

Mains A little Basil Fancy bread Pepper ...

I have always wondered about the Danish 30-minute bolognese. In Italy there is a sauce that boils for 3 hours. First rinse the celery rods and the carrots peeled and peeled. It's very important that it gets chopped ultra fine, so I usually use my blender

Mains Bucatini (a pasta variety there is something thicker than spaghetti, where the sauce sticks to the pasta easier) Grated parmesan Finely chopped red onion ...

1. Warm olive oil a saucepan 2. Season the red onions and bacon over low heat until golden. 3. Add rosemary, garlic and chilli and let it spin slowly. 4. Add red wine and bring to a boil. Let the boil boil (it may be a little bit left). 5. When the boil is

Mains Pepper Salt J favorite sauce ...

Cut the chicken into strips / pieces Put it in a pan with the chopped onion Add Jensen the sauce with cream Let simmer a ½ hour of time Taste with salt and pepper Serve with rice or mashed potatoes.

Mains Cayenne pepper Oil Salt ...

Rice is adjusted according to the instructions of the bag. Onions are peeled and cut into thin half-rings. The onions are switched in a little oil on a pan until they are soft. Add pork and squeezed garlic. Leave the meat to stand and finish. Cut the pep