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Mains recipes

Mains Garlic Oregano Pepper ...

The pie is formed. The feta is crumbled and mixed with the thawed shrimps and poured into the mold. Eggs and whipped cream are whipped together and poured over. (Mix a little crushed garlic in). A little oregano sprinkles over. Bake in preheated oven at 200 g

Mains Fresh rose marin, thyme Pepper Salt ...

Mix it all together Sprinkle the peppers on Packed with bacon slices Stir in oven 200g 1 hour Pour some water on.

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

The supporters are made and cut into fine cubes, which are put into boiling, lazy salt for 2 minutes. The water is poured off and the vegetables are brushed over with cold water. The loop is chopped. Fettucini is boiled in leachate water following ins

Mains "herbs (possibly. Basil, parsley, dill or a mixture of both) Flutes Garlic at will ...

Crab Cloth: Bring the claws into boiling water, add well with salt and possibly. A little dild. Large claws boil for approx. 20 min. And less itch for approx. 15 min. Turn off the fire and let them rest in the water for another 15 minutes. Seasoning: Mix 1

Mains Curry Potatoes for 4 pers Boiling water ...

The Gris-O-Letters will probably be ordered today at the butcher, I do not think they can be bought anymore, you can also make them yourself, see under addictive comments. The gris-o-glasses are browned on both sides and placed in a small frying pan or oven-p

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Potatoes and parsnips peeled and boiled. Remember to get salt in the water. Onion and bacon cut into fine tern and sautéed on a pan. When the onion has begun to become transparent, lightly scrub the pan, season the pheasant with salt and pepper and place i

Mains Cheddar or other cheese for topping if you are to the Possibly Brussels sprouts if you ka li it and just have it lying Pepper ...

Chop onion, mushroom, celery, olive, garlic and sauté in a pan. Add beef and brown with cayenne pepper, peppers, thyme, salt and pepper Add 1/3 of the chop. Tomato and whole tomato paste Cut out of the peppers by cutting around the green at the top and fi

Mains 0.5-1 garlic 1 ds. coconut milk Curry ...

Finely chopped onion and possibly garlic easily swirled with curry The meat is browned with loaf and salt and pepper Then the cabbage is switched with Then add chopped tomato and possibly coconut milk and let it boil for about 5 minutes tips: Perhaps a