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Mains recipes

Mains Water Salad oil Salt ...

The meat is boiled in water with vegetables and spices for about 2 – 2 ½ hour to the meat is tender. The legs are pulled out of the meat while it is warm, at which point it all cool in the fridge for the next day. The dressing is stirred together. Meat and tom

Mains Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Forcemeat is stirred thoroughly, and rests about 1 hour in the refrigerator. If it is too fast will be honored in the milk or cream and stir. Formes to meatballs and FRY as usual. Serving suggestions: Potatoes or potato salad

Mains Pepper Salt Dijon mustard ...

Trim the meat and Brown in butter. Then seasoned with salt and pepper. Account shall be taken of the forehead and draws approximately 10 minutes. Meat rubbed in French mustard and the thin bacon slices wrapped around. Clean and chop the vegetables and rever

Mains Pepper Salt Basil ...

Steak steaks Steaks plumped with hand root and turned over on a very dry forehead. Seasoned with salt and pepper, and put of forehead. Bell Pepper (cut into thin strips) and onion Sauté in butter, seasoned with salt and basil and spread on steaks, each of whic

Mains Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Majroerne peeled and cut into 2 ½ cm thick cubes. Boil 30 minutes in salted water, and afdryppes in sight. Fry the bacon crisp in the Pan without fat. Majroerne moses and bacon fat stir in Bacon first stirred in the bog. together with cream. Season with nutmeg

Mains Crushed juniper berries Pepper Red currant jelly ...

Pus animal Mallet of of membranes, it is done with a very sharp knife. Butter with margarine round on køællen, and favor the excess margarine as small blobs on the mallet. Spiced with salt, pepper and crushed juniper berries. Put the mallet in a greased bak

Mains Oregano Small average pale celery stalk Pilsner ...

Everything for the marinade to the boil and allow to cool then. Herein be animal Club one day. Must be turned on and off. Taken up, then wiped carefully and made on baking pandens ovnrist, there must be greased well. Covered with 200 g of butter shall be alloc

Mains Fat for deep frying White pepper Potato bird nests with waldorff ...

Animal Club freed from possibly. membranes, rinsed and dried, after which the Brown on the Pan or roasting pan in oven for margarine, seasoned with salt, pepper and crushed juniper berries, where can it be wrapped in slices of fresh lard and place on roasting