Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains Boil water Water Carrots ...

Com Neck Fillet in a saucepan with cold water, so it just covers. Bring water to a boil and foam. Cook over low heat, covered, in the 2-3 hours to the meat is tender. Tyre Neck Fillet with tin foil and let the meat rest for about 20 minutes, or let the m

Mains Anise Pepper Salt ...

Foie grasen cleansed of blood vessels, but must be in as large pieces as possible. Water, salt and sugar to boil up and chilled. Foie grasen binds in a finely dress and placed in brine 2 á 3 days. Are poached in water with pepper and, if desired. anise in 5-8

Mains Nutmeg Pepper from the grinder Garlic ...

Com ricotta, spinach and garlic in a blender or food processor and blend it to a creamy greenish mass. Season with pepper and salt and nutmeg to taste. Mirror quail eggs at medium heat about a min. of a teflon pan or even better on a blini buckets. Se

Mains Balsamic vinegar Friseé Fresh ginger ...

Let your tongue pull in boiling bed sheet and cut it after cooling in thin long slices on the bias. Cook the onion with the Fund until it is very firm, add the ginger, vinegar and after a little more cooking also soy. Let it boil for a thick layer. Salad le

Mains Pepper Water Cucumber ...

Heat a frying pan and gently fry the pressed garlic. Add the tomato puree. Add vinegar, sugar, water and soy. Cook it up. Slice the cucumber and onion slices in half, peberfrugten into strips and tomatoes in both. All the vegetables should be cut into thin,

Mains Chinese soy sauce Milk Oil ...

Cook the rice (or the day before). Chop the onions, garlic, leeks and peppers. Cut the white cabbage into strips. Sauté the vegetables in oil with added Curry in 4-5 min. Add cooked rice and ham cubes. Warm right through. Make an omelet from eggs and mil

Mains Chinese soy sauce Cooked rice Corn flour to jævning ...

The meat is cut into thin strips. Leeks, courgettes and cabbage chop into strips. (Use also the green from the pores). The oil is heated in a pan and chicken strips in while stirring vigorously. The oil must continue to be hot. When the chicken is fried wit

Mains Cooked rice Oil Veal, diced ...

Onion and chili pepper cut in thin slices and mix together with the meat, sherry and Curry. Cover with film and style mixture on ice and let it soak 2 hours. Heat the oil in a saucepan. Add the slices of garlic, meat and vegetables. Stir-fry it all by stron