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Recipes with Tomatoes

Mains Oil for frying White wine Onion ...

Brush the ostrich cuvette in a little oil and stir in a 150 ° C hot oven for approx. 20 min. With interrupted frying ie. Step in oven for 5 min. Out of the oven 10 min. etc. Mushrooms and onions are cleaned and blended, steamed in butter, add tomato paste a

Appetizers Lemon Dill Shrimp ...

The tomatoes are scratched at the bottom as a cross, dipped in boiling water for 15-20 seconds. And put to cool. The avocados are peeled. One is blended with creme fraiche and lemon juice and the other is cut into slices. Dild chopped fine. The chilled tomatoe

Appetizers Onion Chick peas (soak in water for 24 hours before use) Eggs ...

The chickpeas rinse well and boil tenderly. The tender chickpeas, puree in blender. The tomatoes are cut roughly. Onions, garlic and bell pepper are cut into small cubes and sautéed in oil. Pure chickpeas, tomato paste, tomato pieces, chopped thyme and rasp ar

Salads Pepper Salt Hvidkåls main ...

Rinse the cabbage and cut it paper-thin. Cut the tomatoes in both and mushrooms in slices. Mix the salad. Whip all the portions of marinade together and taste good. It must be well spiced. Pour marinade over the salad and mix well. Let it drag at least 10 minu

Soups Freshly ground pepper Salt Chili oil ...

The peppers and the red chili are placed under the hot grill in the oven. The fruits are baked until they are light black and have started to bubble in the skin. Then pack in silver paper and steam / fry for 5-7 minutes. Remove kernels, seed oil and pull off t

Mains Ginger, fresh Chilli, crushed Cumin, ground ...

The meat is put in a saucepan under low heat. Chopped onion, chopped roughly and mixed in the meat. Season the spices a little, chopped tomatoes and 2 dl water and cook for 40 minutes under the lid. The fat is added and the dish is sparged at high heat, app

Lunch Lemon Pepper Salt ...

Bottom: Crumble the yeast in the bowl Lun the milk with the fat to 37 degrees C. Pour the liquid over the yeast and stir until it is dissolved. Add salt and sugar. Stir so much flour in the dough that it releases the bowl. Sprinkle some flour over and allo

Mains A little dill Pepper Salt ...

Peel and chop onions and garlic cloves fine. Boil both parts in the oil on a pan. Grease an ovenproof dish with butter and put the fillets in it. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and add onions and garlic with the oil that is attached. Flake the tomatoes an