Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Desserts (cold) Corn flour Orange Sugar ...

Squeeze the oranges for juice. Warm up with sugar and smooth with corn flour.

Mains Oil and butter Olive oil Pepper ...

Lamb Club: Preheat the oven to 120 °. Arrow individual cloves garlic and cut them in thin slices. Put the herbs and the garlic in the boneless roast. Season with salt and pepper and roast. Also season with salt and pepper on the outside. Brown the meat well al

Mains Friessé salad Cucumber Rose pepper ...

Boil a liquid medium to rødløgene of red wine, honey, red wine vinegar,. bamboo salt and white pepper. It is poured over the onions and they must pull in about 2 hours on ice. The cucumbers must be freed from cores and cut into slices. And place in a layer of

Mains Lemon Cinnamon stick Parsley ...

Start with to peel all the potatoes. Tournér then the 6 pillekartofler and save skin. Now the big bake potato cut into smaller pieces and cook them quite tender, together with the skin from the potatoes in water without salt toured. Meanwhile, boil the potatoe

Mains Balsamic vinegar Olive oil Sugar ...

In short, Brown the steaks on all sides on a grill pan. Season it with salt and pepper. Fade the heat. FRY steak State or Government further 12-15 minutes total, depending on how red meat is desired. Flip it once during cooking. Let steaks rest covered with

Mains A good oil Oil for frying Pepper ...

Fat and tendons cut of beef tenderloin. The loin cut up in whole the one page so you have a great piece. Mark mushrooms cleaned and chopped, abriko provisions cut small out and mix with the mushrooms and chopped Rosemary, garlic pressed in and the whole thi

Mains Glass noodles Balsamic vinegar Smoked cheese ...

FRY steaks approximately 2 minutes on each side. Wrap them in foil and let them rest for 10 minutes. Cook Balsamic and red wine into. Add sugar so that the sauce caramel. The sauce must not be too tykflydende, but should be steady. Fry the mushrooms in butt

Salads Fresh mint Soy sauce Sugar ...

Stir dressing together. Cut the meat into very thin strips. 'S spring onions and cut them into thin slices lengthwise. Put h portion of løgskiver ne of the flesh. Share the chili lengthwise and remove the seeds. Cut the chili meat into thin strips and mix them