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Recipes with Sugar

Drinks (cold) Sugar Mini milk Strawberries (frozen) ...

These berries tøes up a little. The half-frozen strawberries blended. Sugar and milk are added and blended until the mixture has turned into a thick and airy mass. A little vanilla can also be added if you like it

Drinks (cold) Ice cubes Strawberry Sugar ...

Slice the strawberries into small pieces, pour it all in a bowl and blend. Serve immediately.

Cakes in form Whipped cream Sugar Eggs ...

Mix all ingredients together and place in a greased casserole dish. Bake in the middle of the oven for approx. 45-60 min at 175 degrees. Tips: Serve warm or cold with blackcurrant or Strawberry Jam.

Cakes in form Fresh strawberries Wheat flour Potato flour ...

Eggs and sugar whipped white and frothy. Sieve flour, baking powder and vanilla sugar into egg mixture and stir together, add water gradually. The batter is poured into a springform and bake in 25-30 min. in the middle of a preheated oven at 175 degrees.

Cakes in form Whipped cream Cake cream corn flour (powder) Dark chocolate 44% ...

Break into pieces in the flour, the sugar, add the butter and dough are assembled with light hand. Let the dough rest for 30 minutes in a cool place (not the refrigerator). Roll the dough out to fit a pie dish (24 cm in diameter). Serve form with the dough

Desserts (patisserie) Vanilla pod Sugar Crème fraiche 38% ...

The egg whites whipped semi-rigid-sugar added and whipped on. Characters 3 circles around 20-22 cm in diameter on 3 pieces of wax paper. Divide the batter on the 3 circles. Behind them in the middle of the oven at 125 degrees for approx. 1 ½ hour and let co

Desserts (cold) A bit of Strawberry juice Fresh jorbær Mocha beads ...

Heat the oven at 200 Degrees. Chop the nuts coarsely. Melt chocolate and butter in a pan and add the chopped nuts. Whip eggs and sugar foamy. Mix Oatmeal and flour and baking powder. Pipe it with egg mixture and turn to the last chocolate mixture therein. P

Desserts (cold) Lemon juice Øoklogisk whipping cream Strawberry ...

Turn the washed strawberries in sugar and lemon juice and got it in a pan and simmer 5 min. it turns into compote, and pour it into a bowl and let it get cold. Whip the cream and turn it into Strawberry kompotten, only then the still is striped. Served in t