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Recipes with Squash

Mains Flat-leaf parsley Pepper Salt ...

Tube fiskefarsen with chopped herbs. Heat a little butter and oil in a frying pan. Form with a spoon for fish cakes. Fry them Golden on both sides. Average squashen fine and grate it with garlic in a little warm olive oil. Season with salt and pepper. When

Mains Meljævning Oil for frying Pepper ...

Squashen rives on the coarse side of Slaw iron. Eggs, flour, salt and cream whipped together into a dough without lumps. Squash and nuts stirred into the dough. It will be a thick and lumpy dough, which must rest in the refrigerator for about ½ hour. The pa

Cakes in form Baking soda Salt Hazelnuts ...

Eggs, sugar and oil, beat well. The longer that whipped, the better will be the cake! Grated squash and chopped hazelnuts added with the other ingredients. The batter is poured into a greased baking pan approx. 23x33 cm. Bake about 60 minutes at 175 d

Cakes in form Baking soda Salt Cream cheese, plain ...

Eggs, sugar and oil whisked together, roughly grated squash w/Peel and the other ingredients are added, at which point it all stirred together well. The batter is poured into a 23x33 cm. baking pan. Bake in preheated oven at 200 degrees c. alm. oven for abo

Cakes in form Baking soda Salt Oil ...

Whip eggs and sugar into an airy mass. Add the oil. Mix the flour, baking powder and spices together. Pipe groftrevet squash, raisins and melblandingen in egg mixture. Turn the chopped walnuts in the dough. Came the dough in a greased baking pan approx. 23x

Cakes in form Salt Buttermilk Bicarbonate of soda ...

Beat the oil, buttermilk, sugar, eggs to an airy mass. Grated Zucchini, sunflower seeds and raisins are changed in. The dry parts are mixed together and turned into the batter at the end. The dough will be honored in a heat-proof dish/roasting pan lined

Cakes in form Skimmed milk Vanilla sugar Wheat flour ...

Vanilla sugar, eggs and sugar, beat well together with a hand mixer. The other ingredients are added, grated squash and mashed bananas till. The batter is poured into a greased springform and bake at 175 degrees c. alm. oven for about 50 minutes. Chec

Cakes in form Sesame seeds Apple juice Pineapple ...

The potatoes are cooked until tender, then cool and moses. Squashen rinse and rives fine. The tonsils must be scalded, slipped and chopped. Oil, Apple juice and sugar stirred foamy. All "pie" ingredients mix and place in a greased cake form sprinkled with s