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Recipes with Squash

Mains Eggs Citonpeber Fine bread crumbs ...

Squashen 1/2-3/4 cm cut into slices. Small squash lengthwise, large cross. Slices sprinkled with salt and lemon pepper. 1 slice of ham and 1 slice of cheese is added between 2 slices of squash. This reversed first in flour, then in egg and finally sammenspi

Pickling Dill screens Sea salt Squash ...

Large squash peeled off, the little ones can be used with Peel. The split and seeds scraped out, after which they cut into good 1 cm. thick strips across. Squash strips added in high jam jars with spændlåg, salt and sugar sprinkled over, the vinegar is poured

Pickling Sea salt Peppercorn Fresh dill ...

Squashen cut lengthwise into small beams of a size suitable for pickles. Let the garlic, salt, vinegar and water boil strongly. Put 2 garlic cloves in each sterilized glass. Advantage squash trabeculae in glasses, add the dill, peppercorns and the top grape

Pickling Dark Rum Apricot liqueur Chopped pecan or walnuts ...

Mix sugar, liqueur and water in a saucepan and stir over low heat until sugar is dissolved. Add squashen, cut into very thin slices, and simmer until the squashen is ready. Got raisins and nuts into the Pan and mix everything well. Evaporate is filled with

Pickling Dark Rum Apricot liqueur Chopped pecan or walnuts ...

Mix sugar, liqueur and water in a saucepan and stir over low heat until sugar is dissolved. Add squashen, cut into very thin slices, and simmer until the squashen is ready. Got raisins and nuts into the Pan and mix everything well. Evaporate is filled with

Pickling Pepper Salt English sauce ...

Squashen cut into small cubes and onion chopped finely, the sauté in oil, until it is lightly shiny. Garlic chop and place in, it is cooked with white wine vinegar, then add brown sugar, English sauce and tomato puree. It boils at approximately 4-5 minutes at

Mains Basil Mushrooms Onion ...

Half of forcemeat is arranged in an ovenproof dish. The filling which is switched on the forehead make over, the rest of forcemeat is used to cover. Must have one hour in the oven at 200 degrees c. Accessories: flute, potatoes, rice, salad

Mains Bottom Tarragon The onion in thin slices ...

Bottom: Ingredients kneaded together and the dough rolled out and put in a pie dish. Tart bottom pre-baked approx. 10 minutes in a 200 degree C. alm. oven. Filling: saute the squash, onions and garlic in olive oil until tender. Let the while the chopped