Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains A little grated nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

The potatoes are washed, peeled and cut for approx. 5 mm. Thick slices. Half of the oil heat in a pan, and the brown potato slices lightly on both sides The lid is peeled and chopped fine. The tomatoes are scalded, peeled and chopped. The rest of the oil is

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon juice thereof ...

Divide the chicken into 8 pieces and rub the pieces well with salt and pepper. The onions are peeled and cut into thin strips. Garlic cloves are peeled and chopped well. Heat the oil in a deep fryer. Brown the chicken pieces until golden. Then pick them up

Mains Greek barbecue spice Pepper Salt ...

Set the oven to 225 degrees C. alm. oven. Rinse the chicken thighs in cold water and dry them. Scrub two of the lemons well and tear the yellow of the skull. Squeeze the juice of them. Cut the third lemon into slices for garnishing. Squeeze garlic cloves

Mains Salt Nutmeg Dried Basil ...

The aubergines are cut into thin slices, sprinkle with salt and stand 10 min. They are dried, shaken in oil and half placed in a greased oven dish. The meat sauce is cooked as described under (eg) spaghetti sauce, but only boiled for a few minutes. The meat sa

Mains Pepper Salt Breadcrumbs ...

Cut the bacon into smaller pieces and rinse it almost crisp and place in a bowl. Season the chopped onion and garlic into the oil, add the meat and season it. Add the spices and bacon. Let it cool a little. Eggs, cream, rasp, salt and pepper whipped togethe

Base recipes Pepper Eggs Wheat flour ...

Cod fillet and onion run once through the meat machine. Fingers are stirred with egg whites, eggs, milk, flour and oil for a suitable consistency. Add the milk a little, start with 1 dl. If the dad gets too wet, extra wheat flour can be added. Season wit

Soups Pepper Salt Curry ...

Chop onion and garlic nicely. Heat the oil in a pan and cook onions and garlic approx. 2 min. Sprinkle the curry over and let it sweat with a few minutes. Blend the fried tomatoes and pour them into the pan. Add the broth and boil the soup approx. 5 m

Sides Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Turn on the oven at 225 degrees. Scrub the potatoes and cut them in both. Put them in an ovenproof dish and pour some olive oil over. Put them in the oven for 20-30 min. Cut tomatoes in both and put them at the potatoes. Let them roast with approx. 10 mi