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Recipes with Eggs

Mains Freshly ground pepper Marjoram Cognac ...

Mix the ingredients for the marinade. Chicken breasts are pulling in this 10-12 hours. The breadcrumbs soaked in flødes. The other ingredients are mixed. Bread crumbs and stir in marinade. Half of forcemeat pour in a greased form. Slice the chicken breas

Breakfast & brunch Pepper Grated cheese, mozzarella 45 + Salt ...

Put the entire a saucepan and whisk everything together, except the cheese, the first in the egg mixture is good when warm. Tube and whip all the time otherwise burns it on, FRY until lightly browned, can be varied with bacon.

Sides Pork broth Eggs Onion ...

The onion grated fine. The meat must be very finely chopped, 3 – 4 times to the meatballs can be slippery. Stir in stuffing together. Alternatively, run the ingredients in a food processor, add the suppet little by little to a suitable consistency. Set o

Desserts (cold) Eggs Sugar Bags (100 g) almond flakes ...

Chop the almond flakes in a blender. Stir in butter and sugar pliable. Add almonds, egg and most of the flour. Knead the dough on the table along with the rest of the flour. Let the dough rest cool for a minimum of one hour. Roll the dough out to a sausage and

Cold cuts Curry Paprika Salt ...

Beetroot, onions, carrot and celery rives on the finest at rivehjernet. Leek cut into very thin slices and FRY in marg. In a pan, until golden. Then mix it all together with spices. FRY in a heat-proof serving dish with lid at 200 degrees for about 1 hour.

Desserts (warm) Grated lemon peel Sweet Eggs ...

The cold rice pudding is stirred with eggs, flour, Sweet and lemon zest. Bake in small blobs on a good pan. Serve with sugar free jams.

Mains Salt Milk Eggs ...

Flowers in bouquets, who shared the cabbage boil about 5 min. in salted water. Blom cabbage added to draining in a sieve and is then distributed in the bottom of a baking dish. Eggs, milk, cheese, paprika and salt whipped together and poured over. Be made in t

Mains Pepper Rice Salt ...

The chickens in the cutting into suitable pieces, turn over in the beaten egg and then in a mixture of bread crumbs and sesame seeds. Onions and apples cut into small pieces, put in a greased ovenproof dish, pineapple rings distributed above. Raisins, desic