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Recipes with Eggs

Mains Wheat flour Oil for frying Pepper ...

Stir together the forcemeat is the law firm. Let the rest 1/2 hour in refrigerator. Form into round, slightly oblong meatballs as rolled in flour and fried golden brown in olive oil on a sautérpande. Take meatballs up and keep warm. Add a little more oil and t

Mains Pepper Chives Salt ...

The meat is divided into 4 patties, chopped well, seasoned and fried in butter 2-3 minutes on each side. Eggs cooked in 6-7 minutes. Peeled, halved and added with a round side up on each finished fried steak. The onion fried golden in a little butter. Herein p

Mains Parsley, fresh Milk Eggs ...

Peel Peel, halve it and cut it into 1 cm. thick slices as boil in lightly salted water about 10 mins. Let them drip well and place them in a greased, ovenproof dish. Stir meat, chopped onion and egg together. Add the milk a little at a time. Stir in salt an

Mains Eggs Coarse salt Small clove crushed garlic ...

Father: Stir the chopped meat with salt for about 1 min. Came the onion, garlic and egg in milk in gradually. stir and then the breadcrumbs. Style forcemeat uncovered in the refrigerator for about ½ hour. Share forcemeat into 6 servings and squeeze each por

Mains Dry sherry to taste Eggs Egg white ...

Saute the leeks in oil in a pan. Let them cool and mix them in the minced meat with egg and egg white. Add half the cnu420, onions, parsley and garlic. Came stock in conjunction with sherry and season with salt and pepper. Leave ½ hour before pulling the

Mains Pepper Salt Broth ...

Mix the minced meat with together beaten eggs, broth, onion and beetroot. Season with salt and pepper. Form forcemeat into a roll with mealy hands. Smelt something fat in a frying pan and Brown the roll. Let the roller roast on low heat 10-15 my.

Cakes in form Hot coffee Vanilla sugar Wheat flour ...

Sift flour, baking soda into a bowl. stir it all is well blended. 2. heat oven to 175 degrees. Melt the butter and let it cool slightly. Stir it in melblandingen. Whisk the eggs together in a bowl and stir them into the batter. Finally touched the hot co

Cookies Margarine Eggs Sugar ...

Warm a large cup of milk up to approximately 25-30 degrees, then joined yeast, eggs, sugar and margarine in and stir it all together. Add the flour gradually until dough release. Sprinkle a little flour on the Board, and roll out the dough out without it be