Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Dry white wine

Mains Pepper Juice of 1 lemon Salt ...

Poularden cutting area in 4 parts, which are dried thoroughly with a well-wrung cloth. The tomatoes are washed by scratches in the cross, be placed in boiling water for a moment and skinned. The bottom is cut off, the seeds are pressed softly out, and the toma

Appetizers White pepper Salt Minced parsley ...

The meat is rinsed and blotted dry. Cut into 3 cm long strips, which are sprinkled with flour. The onion peeled and cut into small cubes. The onions FRY cope in the oil. Add the meat and Brown lightly on all sides. Vegetable broth, cream and parsley a

Mains Pepper Salt Bay leaf ...

The mussels cleaned and rinsed thoroughly. All mussels that do not shut down itself by a light blow discarded. Butter, herbs and spices are put into a pot, white wine added. When this is to boil pour the mussels in. Put a lid on and let them cook in the eve

Mains Lemon in slices Fish (COD, mackerel, etc.) Chopped onion ...

Came the hakked onion and 3 diced carrots and salt in a saucepan. Put the fish on top and add ½ ltr. water. Bring the soup to a boil. The soup is lightly and Cook, covered, about ½ hour thereafter. The soup is filtered and made page. Marinated trout: the tr

Mains Fresh ground white pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

If the trout is frozen, thaw it in the fridge a couple of 24-hour or other cool place. On the kitchen table, covered overnight. However, it is indisputable that the fresh fish is the best. Clean the fish and scrape as many scales as possible. Here pigeons d

Mains Fresh basil Fresh raspberries A little oil for frying ...

Sauce: Breast and thighs from the wood-pigeons are cut from the hull. Breast and thighs are saved for later. Hull Brown well in the preheated oil, add the white wine and boil it down by half. Then add the water, finely chopped shallots, thyme and basil and red

Mains Letkogt broccoli Pepper Salt ...

Scrape the skin side of the fish free of mucus and dandruff. Rinse and dry the fish. Share it in 4 equal pieces, with the skin still on. Share once again fish strips in half, but cut only through flesh, so koteletterne can be folded out know that fur keeps the

Mains A little soft butter Pepper Salt ...

Chop the flesh into blender or foodprocesser along with: 2 large eggs, white wine, 3 egg yolks and whipping cream. Share evt. portion for 2 so the machine does not make too much. Tube forcemeat well together in a bowl. Stir in salt & pepper in the bowl and