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Mains recipes

Mains Herbs such as parsley, thyme or Basil. preferably fresh but dried can also be used Pepper Breadcrumbs/bread crumbs ...

Mix butter, mustard and honey in one bowl and bread crumbs, cashews and selected herbs in another. Put the salmon fillets in a greased ovenproof dish and sprinkle with pepper. Butter the fillets with honey/mustard mixture (in a thick layer) and sprinkle

Mains Curry Oil Rice ...

Chicken fillet cut into cubes. Rice laid over. The wok comes on and oil put in. When the oil is burning karryen of vam and chicken fillet mouthed. Bacon put on another pan and FRY until brown. you use the fedten from bacon to frying eggs in (a la scramble egg

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

The meat is stirred together with the chopped onion and other ingredients, to a real father, resting for half an hour. FRY in a mixture of butter and olive oil, or canola oil. servers with, cucumber salad, boiled potatoes and a Brown nice tow gravy, which h

Mains Oil Olievnolie Peper ...

Marinade: Stir the ingredients together, save a little chilli to the wok. Mari's second came on the pig meat and let stand for at least 30 minutes, preferably overnight. The wok: mushrooms in butter in 3-5 my Rose. take them out of the wok. Then increased t

Mains Finely chopped red bell pepper Chopped onion Coconut milk light ...

cut with scissors thin strips of kyllingefilleterne. getting oil in a deep pan. saute the Curry and add the onion. pipe to løgende is clear. Add chicken and peppers filleter. When everything is svitset, add the coconut milk and simmer 15-20 min. serve with ric

Mains Bøftomater A good tomato salsa Engels mustard ...

Kome up the minced meat in a large bowl. Sauté the onion in a little olive oil until it is soft but have not taken the color. came the onion down to meat. crush the cumin seeds and coriander seeds together with a little salt and pepper in a mortar and season

Mains Fresh herbs Olive oil Pepper ...

saute the onion, garlic and the hakkkede meat Golden in olive oil. Add the thyme, chilli and mushrooms. Add half of the grated parmesan and sauté again, to that moisture has evaporated from the mushrooms. Cook the pasta in water with salt, and save a little of

Mains Salad Lemon Whole chicken ...

warm the chicken in the oven approximately 1/2 hours while the chicken is in the oven then Peel the potatoes put the potatoes in a pan of water in the same do you do with yellow roots and then you can then prepare the salad and then you add a lemon ´ s juice o