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Mains recipes

Mains Pepper Pores Breadcrumbs ...

stir eggs flour onion salt and pepper together and let it rest for an hour in the refrigerator. Cook until barely tender pores and let them drain away. Væden is saved for the gravy. Take a paragraph silver paper and pour the breadcrumbs on got a nice spoonf

Mains Kaschew nuts for serving Pepper Salt ...

cut the carrots, bell pepper in fine sticks about 3 cm long. scallions are cut on the bias into 2 cm long stygger (preserve as much of the green as possible). Leek cut into rough slices. Mange is cut on the bias in the middle. grate the ginger over the carrots

Mains Water Grated cheese Béarnaise sauce powder ...

Cook the pasta according to directions on package. Got water, Béarnaise sauce powder, ketchup, ham cubes and grated cheese in a bowl and mix it together. Add the cooked pasta and stir gently around for it all is well blended. Came the mass in a tærtefad and

Mains Melted butter Lingonberry jam Wheat flour ...

Peel and grate the potatoes. Work together with salt and flour to a loose dough. Form dough into balls with your hands. Dip hands in cold water to make it easier. Slice the pork into small cubes. Make an indentation in each ball and put in 1 tablespoon of m

Mains The juice of 2 lemons Chili Peanut oil (or pilfer oil) ...

Cut the fish into pieces of approximately 5 x 5 cm. Chop the onions and tomatoes. Slice the chilli and Ginger finely Crush garlic Saute onion, ginger, garlic and chili in oil Add the curry powder and tomato paste, Saute slightly. Add lemon juice and tomat

Mains Curry Beef (no matter how much) Erter ...

STEP 1: take a pan forward and style the cooking plates. Set it at about 150 degrees, and start to cook the beef. And also remember to switch on the ovenen set it at 180, degrees. Let it heat for 10 minutes. STEP 2: then do you madpandekagerne into the oven

Mains Extra water Ketchup Pepper ...

halve løgende and cut them into thin slices. Sauté them for they have become soft (be careful they do not burn on). Add beef and bacon and Brown the meat. pour taco sauce and sponge end + water from sponge end over the meat and stir, let it simmer on a low h

Mains Pepper Breadcrumbs Salt ...

Rissoles: Forcemeat is shaped to 4 rissoles which reversed first in egg and then in bread crumbs. Seasoned with salt and pepper. FRY in butter or margarine 7-8 minutes on each side, to kødsaften that comes out is clear. Sauté the peas in a little butter.